
Video: A Surprise on Mother's Day... A Young Man Reunites with His Mother After 10 Years in Jordan

Video: A Surprise on Mother's Day... A Young Man Reunites with His Mother After 10 Years in Jordan

A sweets shop in Jordan surprises one of its employees by bringing in his mother, whom he has not seen for 10 years. In a "beautiful" surprise, a young man met his mother after a decade of separation, thanks to the arrangements made by a candy shop in Irbid, northern Jordan, for this reunion. According to the shop's organizers, this surprise was in celebration of Mother's Day.

The shop posted a video on Facebook capturing the moment the young man reunited with his mother, captioned, "After ten years away from the beloved mother, one of our employees reunites with his mom." The video highlighted the deep emotional impact of the surprise on the young man, and the shop's organizers noted that this meeting was arranged without the young man's knowledge, in honor of Mother's Day.

This gesture by the sweets shop coincides with "Mother's Day," which is celebrated on March 21st each year. The celebration of this day is meant to honor mothers and motherhood.

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