
Title: The Missing Authority: Aoun's Accusation Against Salameh and His Brother Over "Money Laundering" Shakes Correspondent Banks

Title: The Missing Authority: Aoun's Accusation Against Salameh and His Brother Over

The newspaper "Al-Liwaa" wrote: President Michel Aoun met with Pope Francis in the Vatican and listened to him regarding Lebanon, which he described as "present in my prayers and concerns," and expressed his sorrow over the country’s conditions, which he plans to visit soon. Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Bechara Pierre Rai visited the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Sheikh Ahmed El-Tayeb, discussing the historical relations between Al-Azhar and the Catholic Church, extending to the "Human Fraternity" document and the Lebanese-Egyptian relations, as well as President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi's support for Lebanon, its stability, and coexistence.

Simultaneously, the internal situation was becoming increasingly grim, as the Prosecutor General in Mount Lebanon, Judge Ghada Aoun, disregarded the directives of the exceptional Cabinet meeting last Saturday, where Minister of Justice Henry Khoury was tasked with dealing with Aoun's pursuit of banks. These actions were described as lacking legal foundations in the investigations and sealing with wax, without regard for the banks’ strike on its first day, which extends to today before returning to work tomorrow during a regular Cabinet session. Before she filed charges against him for illicit enrichment alongside her detained brother Raja, Ukrainian Anna Kuzakova, and several companies involved in this crime, the Governor of the Central Bank of Lebanon, Riad Salameh, refused to appear in Aoun's office at the Court of Justice in Baabda, denying accusations of illicit enrichment and stating in the morning: "I ordered an audit which, in turn, did not reveal that public funds represent any source of my wealth."

Thus, the judicial confrontation escalated with the governor and his team, as Aoun charged Salameh and his brother Raja with "professional negligence, waste of public funds, and breach of trust," adding charges of illicit enrichment and money laundering. Aoun issued a decision to place a prohibition notice on all real estate properties belonging to Raja Salameh, the brother of the Governor of the Central Bank, to preserve the rights of the public treasury, which has evidently been wasted as a result of the preliminary investigations conducted regarding the lawsuit brought by the legal department of the "Justice Seekers" group.

Additionally, it was reported that a criminal complaint was filed against all Central Council members at the Central Bank of Lebanon and the current and former government commissioners since the governor took his position, by the legal department of "Justice Seekers" and "United." This unfolding scene heightened internal anxiety, especially among the public, as the dollar’s price rose again, breaking through the threshold of 24,000, while fuel prices fluctuated amid speculations awaiting the price adjustment schedule from the General Directorate of Oil or disappearing between tankers and vessels.

A notable development is that correspondent banks inquired about travel bans imposed on several bank board chairpersons and the judicial process involving them, prompting banks to prepare responses. "Al-Liwaa" learned that the Cabinet meeting tomorrow at the Grand Serail includes 39 items on the agenda, most notably: a presentation from the Ministry of Finance regarding borrowing between the Lebanese Republic and the Central Bank, and a presentation from the Ministry of Energy and Water requiring Electricité du Liban to secure fresh dollar currency to ensure the minimum investment safety in the production, transport, and distribution sectors, especially for the next four months. It will also consider two draft decrees regarding the terms of reference for licensing rounds in Lebanese maritime waters, the appointment of state representatives on the Board of Directors of the Housing Bank, and the presentations from the Ministers of Economy, Trade, and Agriculture regarding food security.

In his meeting with the Pope, Aoun informed him that "he is deeply aware of the difficult economic and social conditions in Lebanon," emphasizing that "Lebanon, with all its citizens, Christians and Muslims, should not abandon its values based on respect. It is necessary to preserve the Christian presence in the East and coexist peacefully in Lebanon, which has made it a message." The Pope confirmed that he is working with everyone around the world "to preserve this country, which the Holy See has always considered a message and a model." He told President Aoun of his determination "more than ever to visit Lebanon to revive hope," stating: "I will visit Lebanon soon. This is a decision I have made, as Lebanon remains, despite everything, a model for the world."

President Aoun and his accompanying delegation met the Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, in the presence of the Undersecretary for Relations with States, Monsignor Paul Richard Gallagher, and discussed the current difficult conditions in Lebanon and the region with Minister Abdullah Bou Habib. Cardinal Pietro Parolin, after meeting Aoun, stated: "I read with great interest the memorandum you delivered to Monsignor Gallagher, and we reaffirm that Lebanon must remain a free, independent, and sovereign country." Later, Aoun met in his residence in Rome with FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu and World Food Programme (WFP) Executive Director David Beasley in separate meetings, where he presented his vision for a project that would provide financial assistance and educational and health support to a significant number of Lebanese, in addition to improving living conditions facing challenges due to the acute economic crisis in Lebanon.

The Vatican released a statement regarding Aoun's meetings that highlighted the importance of good diplomatic relations between the Holy See and Lebanon, established 75 years ago. The discussions addressed the significant economic and social problems Lebanon is facing, including the issue of refugees, with hopes that international aid, combined with the upcoming parliamentary elections and necessary reforms, would strengthen peaceful coexistence among the various sectarian components in the country of the Cedars.

Additionally, the President is conducting a working visit to Italy, during which he will meet with Italian President Sergio Mattarella to review bilateral relations and matters of mutual interest.

In Cairo, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met with Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Bechara Pierre Rai, in the presence of the Lebanese Ambassador to Cairo Ali Halabi, and discussed the general conditions. The official spokesman for the President of Egypt, Ambassador Bassam Rady, noted that "Sisi welcomed the Patriarch to his second home, Egypt," affirming "the deep and solid relations between Egypt and Lebanon at both official and popular levels, emphasizing Egypt’s commitment to the safety, security, and stability of Lebanon and its national interests, aiming to spare Lebanon the dangers of regional conflicts, in the context of continuous Egyptian interest in everything that serves Lebanon and its people, valuing the constructive and essential role played by the Cardinal in supporting Lebanon and restoring its stability."

Regarding the forthcoming parliamentary elections, Patriarch Rai emphasized to Sisi "the necessity of holding the parliamentary elections on time, and the need for Lebanese citizens to participate actively in voting and choosing who meets their aspirations in Lebanon." After the meeting, Rai affirmed that the Egyptian president "loves Lebanon and the Lebanese people" and expressed his gratitude for the air bridge established after the port explosion, reflecting his solidarity, and for keeping Egypt's doors open to the Lebanese and his continued supportive stances towards Lebanon as well as his mediation efforts with Gulf countries.

On the upcoming parliamentary elections, Rai assured Sisi, "They must take place, and we care about that to preserve constitutional obligations; voters must participate in large numbers, make wise choices, and work to regain trust." He urged Lebanese citizens: "Participate actively in the elections; you cannot choose to go or not as it is your duty. Vote for those you believe fulfill your aspirations, and do not neglect your role in accountability."

He added: "We have a friendship with the Secretary-General of the Arab League, who has not spared any effort to follow up on Lebanon’s involvement and its founding membership in it. The league cannot leave Lebanon abandoned but must work more and more for it." He concluded: "We discussed the issue of Hezbollah's arms, which has fallen out of the hands of the Lebanese; if there were a defensive strategy, part of the problem would be solved."

The Patriarch also visited Al-Azhar Grand Imam Ahmed El-Tayeb at the Sheikhdom's headquarters in Al-Darasa. The meeting addressed "fraternal relations and Christian-Islamic coexistence, and the roles of the Maronite and Catholic churches and Al-Azhar in promoting love, peace, and mutual living." It also touched on Egyptian-Lebanese relations and President El-Sisi's support for Lebanon, the Human Fraternity Document, and the historic relationship between the Catholic Church and Al-Azhar.

Rai also met with Ahmed Aboul Gheit, the Secretary-General of the Arab League, stating that Aboul Gheit feels for the issues witnessed by Lebanon, affirming that Lebanon can overcome challenges thanks to its history and capabilities. Rai clarified that Lebanon remains an active member of the Arab League, and his country must turn to friends amidst the difficulties it faces, calling on the media to play a supportive role by focusing on positives rather than those spreading false news. He highlighted the role of the Arab League as a unifying entity for Arabs, expressing admiration for a map of the Arab homeland displayed in one of the halls, showing Arab states without borders, stressing the need for Lebanon's neutrality to play a role and regain its stature.

In the context of Lebanon's relations with Arab countries, Prime Minister Najib Mikati announced the government's commitment to restoring relations between Lebanon and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries to normalcy, stating that his recent communication with Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Ahmad Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah is part of this framework. He referred to "a series of appeals he has received from various political, spiritual, and economic leaders in this context."

In a statement, he reaffirmed the Lebanese government's commitment to taking necessary actions to enhance cooperation with Saudi Arabia and Gulf Cooperation Council countries, adherence to all decisions of the Arab League and international legitimacy, and a serious and effective commitment to follow through on their implementation to ensure civil peace, national stability for Lebanon, and reinforce unity. He renewed the government's commitment to take all necessary measures to prevent drug smuggling to Saudi Arabia and Gulf Cooperation Council countries, directly or indirectly, emphasizing all entry points.

He confirmed Lebanon's commitment to the Riyadh Agreement on judicial cooperation and the extradition of those wanted by Saudi Arabia, stressing that the Lebanese government will work to prevent Lebanese financial and banking channels from being used for any financial transactions that may jeopardize the security of Saudi Arabia and Gulf Cooperation Council countries. He also emphasized adherence to the provisions of the Kuwaiti initiative.


Tomorrow, Wednesday, and the day after, the Parliamentary Finance and Budget Committee will focus on reviewing the expenditures outlined in the draft law of the 2022 budget, before examining revenues, aiming to free itself from the risks of a bookkeeping budget and scrutinizing the actual deficit. The committee, which met yesterday under the chairmanship of its head, Representative Ibrahim Kanaan, approved the financial budget, suspending the clause related to bank interests amounting to 4,777 billion pounds, demanding a detailed report on its contents, distribution, and calculation mechanism.

**New Developments with the IMF**

On the financial, health, and economic fronts, meetings with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will continue this week in preparation for the Fund's mission visit to Lebanon next week to resume negotiations. A law was agreed upon to address the restructuring of the banking sector after reaching an agreement on a financial correction strategy. The statement from the Deputy Prime Minister Saadeh al-Shami’s office announced that during the past week, multiple meetings with the IMF focused on the following topics:

- The capital control law and the IMF's remarks on it, after members of parliament requested reaching an agreement with the Fund on this law before presenting it to parliament.

- The issue of banking secrecy and the necessity of amending certain provisions in the current law to facilitate efforts to combat tax evasion and corruption in general.

- Continuing discussions on the banking sector to protect depositors as much as possible, especially small depositors, and to reactivate the role of the banking sector in a way that serves the economy by financing the private sector, thus boosting growth and creating job opportunities.

The discussions also addressed the need for everyone to share the responsibility and deal with the losses of the banking sector while adhering to international standards for solving this crisis. To this end, an agreement was made to prepare a law for addressing the restructuring of the banking sector after agreeing on a financial correction strategy. These meetings will continue throughout this week in preparation for the Fund's upcoming visit to Lebanon to resume negotiations.

**Elections: Candidates and Lists**

Regarding the parliamentary elections, announcements of candidates from various factions continue, with Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea receiving the independent candidate for the Maronite seat in the Beirut I district, George Shahwan, allied with the "Forces" list. Representative Adnan Traboulsi announced during a press conference for the "Justice Seekers" Campaign the names of candidates from the Islamic Charitable Projects Association – The Ahmadis, who are:

- For the Sunni seat in Beirut, District II: Dr. Adnan Traboulsi and Dr. Ahmad Dabbagh.

- For the Sunni seat in Tripoli, District II: Dr. Taha Najy.

- For the Sunni seat in Chouf, Mount Lebanon IV District: Engineer Ahmad Helmy Najmeddin.

Traboulsi stated that "Justice Seekers" will participate in all fifteen districts and will support whom they find suitable. On the occasion of Mother's Day, the "Families of Victims of the Beirut Port Explosion" Association honored the mothers and wives of the martyrs who fell on August 4 during a ceremony held this evening at the Church of the Redeemer (Mono), attended by the mothers and wives of the martyrs, families of the victims, the firefighting brigade, and six lawyers from the prosecution office.

**Health Update**

On the health front, the Ministry of Public Health announced the registration of 399 new COVID-19 infections, raising the cumulative total of infections since February 21, 2022, to 1,088,595 confirmed laboratory cases.

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