
6 Types of Foods with the Best Amount of Protein for Weight Loss

6 Types of Foods with the Best Amount of Protein for Weight Loss

Many individuals seek to lose weight and reduce excess belly fat by following dietary plans. Studies indicate that including more protein in the diet can facilitate this process. Some types of protein and engaging in physical exercise may contribute to eliminating belly fat and achieving ideal weight loss. According to a report by Medical News Today, "lean muscle helps burn more calories throughout the day." Sports nutrition specialist Brittany Dunn states, "Protein-rich foods can also aid in weight loss by reducing hunger and enhancing the feeling of fullness. High-protein diets are highly effective for weight loss as they preserve muscle mass and prevent metabolic slowdown."

Dunn explains a common misconception regarding high-protein meals: many people believe they need to overcompensate to lose more body fat. Dunn notes, "Many people think that food protein sources are insufficient to contribute to a high-protein meal plan and that supplements are necessary, while in reality, whole foods can provide ample protein, often more than expected." According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), you should consume "between 1.6 and 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight" daily. Dunn comments, "Few Americans consume insufficient protein." However, if you find yourself struggling to get enough protein in your diet, here are some tips: enrich sauces or soups with blended legumes (like lentils) and curry potatoes with steamed vegetables.

Experts presented six types of foods that contain the best amounts of protein, which help achieve weight loss and reduce belly fat:

**Lean Meats**

Choosing certain meats as a source of protein can make a significant difference when it comes to fat secretions. Lean meats, in particular, such as skinless chicken, turkey, bison, white fish, salmon, and shrimp, will contain high protein levels with low calories, healthy fats, and often fewer processed ingredients compared to red meats, according to Medical News Today. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, prioritizing lean meats allows you to "limit saturated fat intake to less than 10% of daily calories." Consuming more fish like salmon and shrimp contributes to sources of iodine and essential omega-3 fatty acids, supporting thyroid health and stable metabolism, both of which generally aid in weight loss by helping to keep overeating in check and maintaining satiety, according to experts. The Community Health Network (CHN) advises that "meat should be prepared by grilling or roasting to reduce saturated fat content."


Chickpeas are known as a complete protein due to containing all nine essential amino acids, which play a crucial role in metabolism and body functions, according to the Cleveland Clinic. The high protein and fiber content in chickpeas promotes a sense of fullness, which is important when attempting to lose and maintain weight. A review in Nutrients stated that the rich nutrients in chickpeas have significant effects on weight loss by controlling the body’s responses to glucose and insulin, both of which play a role in facilitating digestion and slowing carbohydrate absorption.


Quinoa serves as a carbohydrate substitute for rice or pasta and is considered a complete protein, consisting of the nine essential amino acids needed by the human body. Experts state that Quercetin and kaempferol, two plant-based flavonoid compounds found in quinoa, aid in weight loss by protecting intestinal cells and supporting strong metabolites. The presence of strong metabolites enhances metabolic efficiency in converting food into energy rather than fat. Experts highlight the importance of not combining quinoa with high-calorie, high-fat foods to avoid hindering weight loss efforts.

**Black Beans**

Experts mention that black beans are a gluten-free, plant-based complex carbohydrate that provides high levels of protein and healthy fiber. One study found significant weight loss results after including beans and legumes as a primary protein source over eight weeks. Participants in the study reported a considerable reduction in body fat, blood pressure, and total cholesterol levels. Beans—especially black beans—can help lower leptin levels in the body, known as the hormone that regulates appetite.

**Dairy Products**

Studies have shown that many individuals who consumed larger quantities of cheese and dairy experienced greater weight loss. Certain types of cheese (like cottage cheese) and low-fat Greek yogurt can support the body's need for natural nutrients from dairy products (like calcium) and are a high source of protein. The North American Journal of Obesity conducted research on participants following a low-calorie diet who consumed three to four servings of dairy products (of various types) daily over 24 weeks, many of whom lost a significant percentage of total body weight.

**Whey Protein**

Whey protein is primarily found in dairy products like milk and cheese. The Cleveland Clinic explains that it is created during the cheese-making process and contains a total of eight protein groups and nine essential amino acids. The most significant group of whey protein, in terms of fat loss, is the branched-chain amino acids, which substantially promote muscle growth. Dunn says, "Whey protein is highly recommended for fat loss because it supports more lean muscle throughout the body (similar to meat), which burns calories at a higher rate than body fat."

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