
News: A Month Until the Elections... Jumblatt Confirms the Clarity of the Sovereignty Battle and the Patriarch Warns

News: A Month Until the Elections... Jumblatt Confirms the Clarity of the Sovereignty Battle and the Patriarch Warns

The electronic newspaper Al-Anbaa wrote: With less than a month to go until the parliamentary elections scheduled for May 15, Hezbollah has escalated its rhetoric of accusation, which it typically uses for incitement in order to secure a parliamentary majority to constitutionally control all aspects of the country and fully align it with the Iranian axis. In contrast, sovereign forces are waging a battle to maintain a minimum balance that prevents Hezbollah from tightening its control over national decision-making.

Ahead of this, the appearance of the head of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, addressing expatriates, conveyed a clear message to all Lebanese, both residents and expatriates, that the electoral battle is between the sovereign forces and those seeking to undermine the remnants of sovereignty. He pointed out that it has become clear that the Syrian-Iranian axis is against the remaining independent national decision in both Mokhtara and non-Mokhtara areas, emphasizing that the target is the entire Democratic Gathering, and the battle is not solely Timor Jumblatt's but rather the battle for all independent Arab national sovereignty. Jumblatt expressed hope for the return of Saudi and Kuwaiti ambassadors to bolster Gulf influence and create a balance so that Lebanon does not remain under Iranian and Syrian control. He noted that the crisis is lengthy and might be open-ended, but it depends on the seriousness of the government's actions regarding the approval of the protocol with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), considering that the initial agreement is insufficient unless it is translated into practical approval by the current parliament. He called for the liberation of the exchange rate alongside the agreement with the IMF, emphasizing that this is our last opportunity requiring "capital control" and the addressing of electricity, telecommunications, and banking sector issues.

Meanwhile, the head of the Democratic Gathering, MP Timor Jumblatt, continued his rounds in the towns and villages of Shouf, stressing that the battle is against those who wish to erase the mountain and dominate the country. He stated: "We will confront in the elections to regain the state that Hezbollah and Iran, along with President Michel Aoun, have kidnapped. We have succeeded in fighting battles one after another for dignity and coexistence. What they could not take from us during the war, we will not allow them to take by other means."

MP Jumblatt responded to those who accuse him of treason by asking: "Where were you when Kamal Jumblatt was martyred for sovereignty? Where were you when Walid Jumblatt dismantled the May 17 Agreement? Where were you when the fighters of the Popular Liberation Army opened the road to the south?" Along the same lines, Maronite Patriarch Mar Bechara Boutros al-Rahi called during the Easter Mass for significant participation in the elections to change the existing majority that has embroiled Lebanon in regional problems and detached it from its Arab surroundings.

Fadi Maalouf, a candidate on the "Partnership and Will" list for the Catholic seat, indicated in an interview with Al-Anbaa that the battle in the Shouf-Aaley district is tough since the Free Patriotic Movement considers the Catholic seat battle its own. However, the people's opinion matters. "Meanwhile, we are doing what is necessary within the National Liberal Party to ensure victory, as our battle is for true partnership and reconciliation, not for hegemony or subjugation to others."

In response to a question, he pointed out that "Hezbollah targets all of Lebanon and not just Shouf and Aley; its sole aim is to take Lebanon hostage, which is why Patriarch al-Rahi called for massive participation in the elections to reclaim the majority and prevent Lebanon's downfall, emphasizing neutrality as a means for sovereignty."

Simultaneously, MP Shoukry Dakash from the Strong Republic bloc noted to Al-Anbaa that Patriarch al-Rahi does not intervene in politics but rather speaks generally about people's concerns and the dangers to the homeland and identity. He highlighted the fundamental role of Bkerke in defending Lebanon and thus urges his flock to achieve this goal, as there is fear among people of changing Lebanon's face. Dakash added: "Bkerke represents a national state and the conscience of the Lebanese people, and there is public opinion that is influenced by its stance. He considered that “this matter hinges on the five seconds it takes for voters to drop their ballots into the ballot box, and the Patriarch spoke clearly, telling the Lebanese that the matter is in your hands: either you save your country or lose it."

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