
Jumblatt: The Breakfast in the Southern Suburb is "Shameful"... and the Sovereignists Will Meet After the Elections

Jumblatt: The Breakfast in the Southern Suburb is

The head of the Lebanese Forces Party, Samir Geagea, launched the party's electoral agenda for 2022 in Maarab yesterday, attended by a number of current and former MPs, ministers, party candidates, independents, and key political, social, and media figures, including Kamil Chamoun, head of the National Liberal Party, and Eli Mahfoud, head of the Change Movement.

In an interview with the media, Geagea confirmed that "the members of the Shia community are Lebanese citizens 'just like us'; although 'Hezbollah' continually implies it represents 'the Shia', claiming that we mean all Shia when we criticize the party and its practices." He pointed out that the Lebanese Forces work for all Lebanese, including the Shia, who would benefit the most from their efforts, given the deprivation they face due to the "false heroics" of Hezbollah.

He emphasized that "we are with genuine resistance, not with it being exploited for internal gains. For that reason, we support the resistance of the Ukrainian people because it is genuine and under direct supervision of their national army and political authority, while the one who most trades in the concept of resistance is Hezbollah." He added that the Lebanese people have historically proven to be resilient, and that this concept exists among everyone but requires a functioning state.

Geagea stated that "for the last forty years, incorrect concepts about legitimacy have been instilled in the Lebanese, while the strongest power in the universe is legitimacy that no one can remove." He asserted that if there were a functional state with a president or a prime minister working according to the legitimacy assigned to them, rejecting Hezbollah's attacks, the country would be thriving. He cited the case of judge Tarek Bitar in the Beirut port explosion, stating that "for eight months they have been trying to constrain him."

He stressed that responsibility lies with every Lebanese citizen, and it is also our task to bring responsible individuals to legitimate positions to work diligently and "prove themselves." Regarding the Lebanese status of Shebaa Farms and implementing UNSC Resolution 425, he remarked on Hezbollah's justification for its weapons, stating that "this is deceit in itself since 2000, when state circles aligned with the Syrian and Iranian regimes changed Lebanon's maps to justify the presence of an armed party in order to maintain their control over the country."

On the breakfast gathering that brought together Hezbollah's chief and other political figures, Geagea described this event as "very shameful," questioning how prominent groups would allow themselves to act without self-awareness. He posed the rhetorical question, "When you say 'they didn't let us,' who do you mean? Is it the one you gathered with? Either you did not permit yourself, or they didn't let you, since 'you are the only ones in power.'"

He voiced confusion over introducing concepts that confuse citizens, such as "we will agree in the elections and then separate," which is merely a clear indication that this understanding and those alliances aim to divide shares and gains, not reform. Meanwhile, the Lebanese Forces maintain a coherent political platform across their lists, even with independent candidates and allies.

Geagea revealed that "the general communications and atmosphere he receives, even from those who currently do not want to engage with the Lebanese Forces for immediate electoral considerations, indicate that 'all sovereigns will meet after the elections, and I believe that.'" He reminded everyone that the Lebanese Forces have sought for years to activate Rene Mouawad Airport, but "Hezbollah" has completely rejected this, using every means to prevent it to maintain its control over the "gate" of entry and exit from Lebanon, i.e., Rafic Hariri International Airport, asserting that Rene Mouawad Airport is developmental and can also be commercial, which would make life easier for many Lebanese. He promised that "the Lebanese Forces will pursue this project to the end because we believe in it."

Regarding facing the resistance axis post-elections if his team wins concerning forming a government and electing a president, Geagea responded, "From 2005 until now, we have considered the issue of obstruction, but where have we ended up? We cannot continue with this concept; is it better to obstruct or to destruct? It is certain that delaying for some time is better than persisting in the destruction taking place."

He affirmed that "no one can help us if we do not help ourselves, so do not expect someone to assist you if you do not ask them," adding, "Our salvation is in our hands, and I am surprised that some ask, for example, 'What will France and America do, and what is the impact of Saudi Arabia's return to Lebanon?' when a friend only helps us if we seek to help ourselves. Thus, the Lebanese citizen must believe in his ability to effect change and the importance of his vote in determining his fate and should not succumb to lament over the ruins, especially given that this is a privilege of Lebanon in all the East. Therefore, the opportunity is before us on May 15; let us take responsibility to begin the salvation of the country and build a functional state."

The meeting included a presentation by Hasbani and Akis on the technical points of the electoral program.

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