
Signs and Symptoms that Warn of Skin Cancer

Signs and Symptoms that Warn of Skin Cancer

Doctors say that knowing the signs of cancer can be a lifesaver, as the disease can be treated, especially if detected early. However, many people do not realize how skin cancer can look and the warning signs to watch for. There are different forms of skin cancer that generally fall under non-melanoma and melanoma tumors.

**What is Skin Cancer?**

**Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer:** Non-melanoma skin cancer refers to a group of cancers that develop slowly in the upper layers of the skin. The cells in the epidermis (the upper layer of skin) are most susceptible to damage from sunlight. The most common cells in the epidermis are keratinocytes. These cells continuously shed as new cells form. However, when the skin is exposed to excessive sunlight, it causes DNA damage. Over time, this becomes a problem, leading to uncontrolled growth of cells resulting in cancerous tumors.

**Melanoma Skin Cancer:** Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that can spread to other organs in the body. Melanocytes are the skin cells that give us our skin color because they produce a pigment known as melanin. When you sit in the sun, melanocytes produce more pigment, which spreads to other skin cells to protect them from sunlight. However, melanocytes are also where cancer begins. Excessive ultraviolet (UV) rays cause sunburns, a sign of DNA damage to the skin. UV rays lead to changes in melanocytes, making their genetic material defective, which causes abnormal cell growth. People who burn easily are at a higher risk for skin cancer because their cells do not produce as much pigment to protect their skin. People with albinism are at the highest risk because their skin produces no pigment at all.

**What are the Symptoms of Skin Cancer?**

The most common sign of skin cancer is the appearance of a new mole or a change in an existing mole. To help identify the characteristics of unusual moles that may indicate melanoma or other skin cancers, remember the letters ABCDE:

- A for Asymmetry: Look for moles that have irregular shapes, where one half differs from the other.

- B for Border: Look for moles with irregular, jagged, or rounded edges that differentiate them as melanomas.

- C for Color: Look for growths that have multiple colors or an uneven distribution of color.

- D for Diameter: Look for a new growth in a mole larger than a quarter of an inch (about 6 mm).

- E for Evolving: Look for changes over time, such as moles that grow in size or change in color or shape. Moles may also develop new signs and symptoms, such as recent itching or bleeding.

Moles may appear smooth, pearly, or waxy. They may also look like a hard red lump that can bleed sometimes, never heals completely, or appear as a flat, scaly red patch and may develop into a painless ulcer. About 75% of all skin cancers are basal cell carcinoma, which usually grows slowly and rarely spreads to other parts of the body. If treated early, this type of skin cancer is typically curable. However, if it becomes more aggressive, cancer may spread to the deeper layers of skin and the bones, making it more difficult to treat.

The other form of non-melanoma skin cancer is squamous cell carcinoma, which arises from keratinocytes in the outer layer of skin. These cells are primarily found on the face, neck, balding scalp, arms, back of the hands, and legs. Skin itching and/or itchy moles can be a sign of skin cancer. A 2018 study involving 16,000 people found that those experiencing general itching were more likely to have cancer (including skin cancer) than those who did not. Skin cancer is usually identified by a new or changing spot on the skin. However, in some cases, itching may be the reason for noticing the spot. Itching can signify other health conditions, so if this is the only symptom you experience and it does not go away, consult your doctor.

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