
Will the Hammer Remain in Berri's Hand?

Will the Hammer Remain in Berri's Hand?

With the return of rational discourse in political speech following the smooth completion of parliamentary elections on schedule, communications and consultations are intensifying to complete the democratic entitlement of electing a president for the new parliament, along with a vice president and the bureau members, as well as committee chairs, all as part of a single package. Given the lack of competition from the Shia side for the second presidency, it is likely that the parliamentary hammer will remain in the hands of President Nabih Berri, who aspires to the position. Parliamentary blocs are expected to re-elect him and secure the quorum needed for the session to convene, considering that conducting this entitlement is the natural entry point for completing other entitlements, starting from consultations for forming a new government leading up to the election of a new president of the republic.

Regardless of whether the constitutional agreement requires approval of Berri's presidency of the council, given that the Shia majority represented by Amal and Hezbollah nominate him for the position, MP Qassem Hashem of the Development and Liberation bloc told "Al-Markazia" that the presidency of the council is undoubtedly for President Berri, as he is the only candidate. The battle is revolving around the vice presidency, as the Lebanese Forces are nominating MP Ghassan Hasbani while the Free Patriotic Movement supports colleague Elias Abu Saab's candidacy. This will automatically lead to the session being convened with a large and complete quorum. What is being said about boycotts, non-attendance, and electing is aimed at improving conditions and realizing demands, whether in terms of membership in the bureau or the leadership of essential parliamentary committees such as finance, administration and justice, foreign affairs, and others.

In response to a question about government formation, Hashem anticipated, based on past experiences, that the process will be subject to local and external calculations and circumstances due to its connection to the more important entitlement, which is the presidential elections, pointing out that the next phase will shape the features and image of the government and who will be its president.

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