Unofficial Election Results

The unofficial results of the parliamentary elections have begun to emerge in some areas, while they remain subject to change in other districts due to ongoing counting processes.

**Sidon - Jezzine:** The only district that has been decided so far is Sidon-Jezzine, where the number of voters reached 63,366. The results are as follows: 46.6% for the candidates: Ghada Ayoub (7,953 votes), Abdul Rahman (8,526), Osama Saad (7,341), Said Asmar (1,102), and Charbel Massad, while the candidates from the Amal Movement, Abu Zeid and Ziad Aswad, and the candidate of President Nabih Berri, Ibrahim Azar, have lost.

**Keserwan - Jbeil:** The final results of the parliamentary elections indicated that Fird Heikal Khazan's list in the first district of Mount Lebanon (Keserwan - Jbeil) managed to secure the required votes. The outcomes are as follows: Fird Heikal Khazan for the Maronite seat, Nada Bustani for the Maronite seat (Free Patriotic Movement), Salim Al-Sayegh for the Maronite seat (Lebanese Forces), and Ni'ma Ifran for the Maronite seat. In Jbeil: Ziad Al-Hawat for the Maronite seat (Lebanese Forces), Simon Abi Rami for the Maronite seat (Free Patriotic Movement), and Raed Brou for the Shiite seat (Hezbollah).

**Zahlé:** The names of the winners in the Zahle district have been confirmed: Michel Daher, head of the "Independent Sovereigns" list, for the Catholic seat; George Akis from the "Lebanese Forces" list, for the Catholic seat; Elias Istfan for the Orthodox seat; Bilal Al-Hachimi for the Sunni seat; and from the "Alliance of the Movement" and "Hezbollah," Sleiman Aoun for the Maronite seat, George Bouchkian for the Armenian Orthodox seat, and Rami Abu Hamdan for the Shiite seat.

**Baalbek:** The National News Agency reported the completion of the counting and tabulation of the results for the Baalbek-Hermel district, which took place at the court in Baalbek. The head of the primary registration committee, Judge Haris Elias, announced the results in the presence of the head of the reserve high registration chamber, Judge Ali Araji, and judges Imad Al-Ataat and Ali Al-Mousawi.

The number of voters in the district was 195,116, with 3,977 invalid ballots, resulting in a total of 191,139 valid votes. The official results led to the victory of nine candidates from the "Hope and Loyalty" list: Hussein Ali Al-Hajj Hassan (23,120 votes), Ghazi Muhammad Zaiter (22,058 votes), Ali Muhammad Salman Bishar Al-Muqaddad (20,356 votes), Ihab Arwa Hamada (20,844 votes), Ibrahim Ali Al-Mousawi (19,627 votes), Jamil Muhammad Amin Amin Al-Sayyid (11,705 votes), Samar Assaad Al-Toum (11,705 votes), Yinhal Muhammad Salih (8,764 votes), and Melhem Muhammad Al-Hajiri (7,125 votes). Antoine Badawi Habshi from the "State Building" list also won (17,000 votes).

**Shouf - Aley:** Initial results in the Shouf – Aley district indicate the following winners: Taymour Jumblatt – Shouf, George Adwan – Shouf, Bilal Abdullah – Shouf, Ghassan Atallah – Shouf, Fared Al-Bustani – Shouf, Najat Saliba – Shouf, Halima Al-Qaqour – Shouf, Marwan Hamadeh – Shouf, Mark Dou – Aley, Nazih Metta – Aley, Raji Al-Saad – Aley, Akram Shehayeb – Aley, and Cesar Abi Khalil – Aley.

**Western Bekaa:** As counting continues, the latest reports indicate initial winners in Western Bekaa as Hassan Murad, Wael Abou Faour (Socialist), Qoblan Qoblan (Amal Movement), Charbel Maroun (Free Patriotic Movement), Yassin Yassin (Our Land and Mountain, Civil Society), and Ghassan Skaf (Independent).

**Lebanese Forces:** The Lebanese Forces won seats distributed across all districts as follows: Antoine Habchi (Baalbek), Elias Istfan (Zahlé), George Akis (Zahlé), Nazih Metta (Shouf), George Adwan (Aley), Ghassan Hasbani (B 1), Eli Charbaji (B 1); seats are still pending for minorities; Pierre Bou Assi (Baabda), Melhem Riachi (Metn), Shawqi Al-Dakash (Keserwan), Ziad Al-Hawat (Jbeil), Ghias Yazbak (Batroun), Joseph Ishaq (Bsharri), Strida Jalha (Bsharri), Elias Khoury (Tripoli), Fadi Karam (Koura). Allies of the Lebanese Forces who won include Dori Shamoun, Raji Al-Saad, Ghada Ayoub (Jezzine), and Jihad Baqradouni (Beirut I).

**Free Patriotic Movement:** According to the electoral machinery of the Free Patriotic Movement, the winning names are: Samer Al-Toum (Baalbek), Sleiman Aoun (Zahlé), Ghassan Atallah (Shouf), Fared Al-Bustani (Aley), Cesar Abi Khalil (Aley), Nicola Assahna (B 1), Hagop Terzyan (B 1), Alan Aoun (Baabda), Ibrahim Kanaan (Metn), Elias Bou Saab (Metn), Hagop Baqradounian (Metn), Nada Bustani (Keserwan), Simon Abi Rami (Jbeil), Gibran Bassil (Batroun), Charbel Maroun (Western Bekaa), Jimmy Jabbour (Akkar), Asaad Durgam (Akkar), Mohammad Yahya (Akkar), Edkar Traboulsi (Beirut II), and George Bouchkian (Zahlé).

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