Generator Pricing for May

The Ministry of Energy and Water announced in a statement the pricing for private generators for the month of May. It noted that "after the significant rise in global oil prices and its impact on fuel prices in Lebanon, the fair price for private electricity generator tariffs for May is as follows:

12,568 L.L. per kilowatt hour.

- For subscribers with meters in cities or crowded areas or at elevations below 700 meters:

- 5 Amp capacity: 100,000 L.L. + monthly subscription x 12,568 L.L. per kilowatt hour.

- 10 Amp capacity: 220,000 L.L. + monthly subscription x 12,568 L.L. per kilowatt hour.

13,825 L.L. per kilowatt hour.

- For subscribers with meters in villages or remote areas or at elevations above 700 meters:

- 5 Amp capacity: 100,000 L.L. (fixed) + monthly subscription x 13,825 L.L. per kilowatt hour.

- 10 Amp capacity: 220,000 L.L. (fixed) + monthly subscription x 13,825 L.L. per kilowatt hour.

* An additional 120,000 L.L. is added to the fixed component of the meter pricing for each additional 5 Amp.

The ministry clarified that "this pricing is based on the average price of a 20-liter diesel canister for May, which amounts to 636,733 L.L., after accounting for all costs, benefits, and expenses of the generators, as well as a good profit margin for their owners. It also considered, in coordination with the Ministry of Economy and Trade, the cost of distributing the canister from the fuel station to the generator. Essential components like oil costs, filters, and the depreciation of the generator, alongside the average monthly price of the dollar in the parallel market, which reached 29,600 L.L., were taken into account.

It emphasized that "this pricing was issued based on the accounting table approved by the Ministry of Energy since 14/10/2010 and in application of Cabinet Decision No. 2 issued on 14/12/2011 regarding necessary measures to regulate the pricing of private generators, and based on the joint application mechanism between the ministries (Energy, Interior, and Economy) announced on 20/12/2011, which defined the responsibility of the Ministry of Energy and Water in disseminating the pricing of private generators based on diesel prices at the end of each month".

The Ministry of Energy urged "generator owners to comply with the Economy and Trade Ministry's decision mandating the installation of meters, and it will conduct a documented study in this regard in the upcoming period to update the adopted equation so that it aligns more closely with fluctuations in exchange rates and the economic and social conditions of citizens, while considering the requirements of private generator owners".

It also announced that it "sent letters to the ministries of Interior and Economy regarding the pricing for May 2022 to proceed according to the joint control mechanism".

The statement pointed out that "the Ministry of Energy and Water attaches a detailed pricing guideline table and will publish this table on the official website:".

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