
Meeting of the Arab Social Affairs Ministers Delegation Begins

Meeting of the Arab Social Affairs Ministers Delegation Begins

The media office of the Minister of Social Affairs, Dr. Hector El Hajj, announced in a statement that "the high-level visit meetings of the Arab Social Affairs Ministers Council delegation officially commenced today in Lebanon. The event was attended by outgoing Prime Minister Mr. Najib Mikati, Minister of Social Affairs Dr. Hector El Hajj, Jordan's Minister of Social Development Ayman Al-Miflahi, Egypt's Minister of Social Solidarity Nevin Al-Qabbaj, Assistant Secretary-General and Head of the Social Affairs Sector at the Arab League Ambassador Dr. Haifa Abu Ghazaleh, the Technical Secretariat of the Council of Arab Social Affairs Ministers, Minister Plenipotentiary Tarek Al-Nabulsi, Secretary-General of the Arab Chambers Federation Dr. Khaled Al-Hanfi, Iraq's Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Salar Abdul-Sattar Mohamed, Yemeni Ambassador Abdullah Al-Dhais and Tunisian Ambassador Bouraoui Imam, President of the Central Inspection George Atiyeh, Lebanese ministers, heads of Arab chambers unions, and representatives from international organizations and Lebanese civil associations at the headquarters of the Arab Chambers Federation in the Adnan Kassar Center."

The statement noted that "Minister El Hajj praised in his speech the initiative of the Arab Social Affairs Ministers Council and their quick response to support Lebanon in its crisis and to closely observe the social and humanitarian conditions of its people. He emphasized the need to work through meetings and field visits to develop an action plan with a specific timeline aimed at providing emergency response and supporting social protection to practically assist Lebanon. For his part, Minister Al-Miflahi thanked the three Lebanese presidents for welcoming the delegation members and considered this visit a strong push to secure the necessary support for Lebanon, emphasizing Arab unity and solidarity with it. He also stressed the need to come up with practical steps starting with immediate implementation based on priorities, urging Lebanese officials to seriously work on enacting an old-age guarantee law."

The statement mentioned that "Ambassador Haifa Abu Ghazaleh highlighted in her speech that she closely monitors the social and humanitarian issues in Lebanon and that the Council of Ministers for Arab Social Affairs will support Lebanon by formulating a plan of action with specific goals. For his part, Dr. Khaled Al-Hanfi emphasized that Lebanon is the foundation of the private sector and free enterprise in the Arab world and will remain so, confirming that the symbolism of the meeting at the Arab Chambers Federation is for the private sector to participate in business initiatives, not just grants and aid, based on the firm belief in the necessity of working on development. For her part, Minister Nevin Al-Qabbaj expressed her gratitude in her speech to the three Lebanese presidents for welcoming the delegation to share the plans of the Council of Arab Social Affairs Ministers with them. She emphasized that the main goal should be to restart the production wheel in Arab countries, particularly in Lebanon, rather than relying solely on aid, focusing instead on social justice and economic empowerment."

The statement added that "outgoing Prime Minister Najib Mikati thanked the Arab League initiative and the ministers for visiting Lebanon to assess the social situation and its impact on vulnerable groups, in preparation for discussing ways to translate the support of the League and its members for Lebanon. He pointed out that Lebanon is a founding member of the Arab League and is convinced of Arab solidarity and coordination to the fullest extent for the good of our countries and peoples, calling for collaboration for joint work between the public and private sectors to provide job opportunities and achieve growth."

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