
9 Worrying Reasons Why Some People Constantly Feel Cold

9 Worrying Reasons Why Some People Constantly Feel Cold

Some people feel "cold" more than others, and if you are among them, it’s important to look for the underlying cause, as there may be something more serious going on. Dr. Peter Bedy from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine told Good Housekeeping that occasional extreme coldness is not usually concerning, but if it starts to affect your daily life—leaving you shivering at your desk or needing an extra blanket in warm weather—it may be abnormal. Additionally, if there are accompanying symptoms such as tingling in the hands and feet, frequent urination, or weight gain, it may indicate worrying causes. Here are some underlying reasons:

1. **Thyroid Issues**

The thyroid is a gland located in the neck that produces hormones affecting heart rate and body temperature, among other regulatory functions. When the thyroid is underactive and doesn't produce enough of the key hormones, it can make you sensitive to cold. Other symptoms include fatigue, weight gain, muscle pain, dry skin, and brittle nails. The NHS states, "The symptoms of an underactive thyroid are often similar to other conditions and usually develop slowly, so you may not notice them for years. You should see a GP and request a test for hypothyroidism if you have symptoms."

2. **Iron Deficiency**

We obtain iron from our diet, in foods like meat, dark leafy vegetables, and legumes. When someone has a deficiency, they may suffer from iron-deficiency anemia, which occurs when your body cannot produce enough healthy red blood cells. This can cause cold hands and feet, but more obvious signs include shortness of breath and fatigue. Your doctor should address any iron deficiency, so make an appointment if you think you have symptoms, which also include pale skin, weakness, and heart palpitations.

3. **Medication**

Medications are meant to improve our health, but most have side effects. Dr. Bedy explained that some, like beta-blockers, can cause cold hands and feet. These medications work by slowing the heart rate to prevent it from pumping too hard and interacting with adrenaline and other stress hormones. The slow rate can leave you feeling cold, along with dizziness, fatigue, and nausea. It’s always good to talk to your doctor about any side effects you experience, as the dosage or type of medication may be adjustable.

4. **Heart or Circulatory Issues**

Cold feet can be a sign of a serious overlooked condition called peripheral artery disease (PAD). This occurs when the buildup of fatty deposits in the arteries restricts blood flow to the legs. Dr. Bedy stated, "You may be more prone to reduced blood flow to certain areas, leading to coldness, numbness, or tingling in the hands or feet." The NHS notes that people might mistake leg pain as part of aging, but should discuss it with their GP. Critical limb ischemia is one of the most serious complications of PAD, involving a severe lack of blood to the legs and increasing the risk of gangrene, requiring urgent medical attention.

5. **Diabetes**

Diagnosing diabetes can take time if you are not aware of the symptoms, or if they are subtle. Key symptoms include frequent urination, extreme thirst, and fatigue. Feeling cold is also a rare sign of the condition, most commonly type 2 diabetes. Dr. Bedy explained, "When you have diabetes, it can affect your kidneys and circulatory system, which can lead to feeling cold." Kidney problems can result in anemia accompanied by cold sensitivity, and diabetes can damage nerves, leading to cold feet.

6. **Low Weight**

If you have less body fat—whether naturally, due to weight loss, or due to a medical condition—you may feel colder. Beyond this, more concerning complications of thinness include fertility issues, malnutrition, weakened bones, and immune system problems. According to the NHS, a person is considered underweight if their Body Mass Index is below 18.5. Experts warn that sometimes a person complaining about feeling cold may have an eating disorder, like anorexia or bulimia.

7. **Raynaud's Disease**

It is normal for fingers and toes to feel numb and cold in chilly weather. However, some people experience an exaggerated response to cold due to Raynaud's disease, which causes small arteries in the fingers to constrict and restrict blood flow. Those affected will notice their skin color becomes paler, usually in the fingers and toes, but sometimes also in the nose, lips, ears, and nipples. The skin color returns to normal once it warms up. The NHS states there are things you can do if you have Raynaud's, including staying calm during winter, exercising (to improve circulation), and eating a balanced diet. However, there are some reasons to consult your GP, including if symptoms do not improve, affect your daily life, or are present on only one side of the body.

8. **Panic Attacks**

Some people may not realize they have experienced panic attacks until they occur, even in mild forms. These experiences can be frightening and cause shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, sweating, shaking, and dizziness. Dr. Gary Leroy, president of the American Academy of Family Physicians, said that feeling cold is a less common symptom of panic attacks. He added, "Sometimes, individuals with panic attacks sense impending doom because their heart is not pumping efficiently. In an attempt to preserve itself, the body will direct blood to vital organs at the expense of peripheral areas, where people sometimes feel a kind of trembling."

9. **Aging**

Dr. Leroy stated that if you’ve ever wondered why your grandmother is always cold, it might be due to her age. He explained, "As we age, metabolism slows and some core body temperatures tend to gradually decrease." As we grow older, fatty tissue under the skin weakens and blood vessels become less flexible, slowing blood flow throughout the body. While cold sensitivity increases with age, it shouldn't always be dismissed since conditions like diabetes, peripheral artery disease, and kidney diseases—which can all affect older adults—can restrict blood flow and lower body temperature. If you are constantly feeling cold and also experiencing fatigue, dizziness, or other unusual symptoms, it’s worth visiting a doctor.

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