
Arslan: We Will Reassess Our Relationships with Allies Before Adversaries

Arslan: We Will Reassess Our Relationships with Allies Before Adversaries

The leader of the Lebanese Democratic Party, Talal Arslan, held a meeting for the party's leadership and members in Khilda, attended by his wife, head of the Lebanese Women’s Forum Zeina Talal Arslan, his sister Zeina Majid Arslan, Minister of Displaced Persons Issam Sharafeddine, former Minister Prof. Ramzi Musharrafiyah, the party's Secretary-General Walid Barakat, members of the Political Council, Executive Body, Democratic Youth Forum, and the Democratic Scout Association, as well as heads of departments and party units and their members.

After the national anthem and that of the Lebanese Democratic Party, Arslan spoke: “Brothers, ministers, and comrades in the leadership of the party, I requested this meeting while I am aware that within each of you there is a pang, and sadness fills the faces of some, with questions that arise every moment about our fate… What comes next?!

Our gathering today is to discuss with love, openness, and sincerity, focusing on the interest of the Lebanese Democratic Party, which we established together 22 years ago. We have fought battles and defended fronts, rejoiced in victories together, and faced losses with will, determination, and insistence… For we are the children of the mountain… We are born to endure hardships and challenges and to stand firm… And we will stand firm.

Anyone who thinks I am here to talk about conspiracies that have been devised... about attacks we have faced from within and abroad... about schemes that led to our downfall... and about wicked ploys that exploited the people's pain to punish us and maintain corrupt individuals… is mistaken… All of this is known to everyone… and has become behind us.

We are here today… to rise together, and to prove to allies and adversaries alike… that when we win… we remain humble and interact with our morals, customs, and values… and when we lose… we become stronger, more determined, and we confront… and we will face with all our strength.

What have we lost?? A parliamentary seat?? The parliament, the ministry, the presidency, and all positions of power in the world are, for us, convictions that lead them to the door of Khilda and back… and those who have no past have neither a present nor a future.

Anyone among you who believes that our fate and role in this country, which we have established, is confined to positions and representation in power does not value matters well… We will prove to everyone that wherever we are… the sincere stance and correct decision will be present… Here, I reaffirm what I said: we accept the result of the elections, and we respect the decision and opinion of our people in the mountain and abroad… even if it comes at our expense and maintains the corrupt…

I would like to add here that our decision today pertains to the loyal, honorable people who have chosen to stand beside us and beside Khilda and the Arslan headquarters, and those who have not wavered through all circumstances…. They stayed with us through the bitter and the sweet.

Regarding the party, which is always and forever the most important, this institution that we have seen as a significant space bringing us together and providing the opportunity to convey our positions, ideas, and vision… to unify our ranks and organize our loyal people within the framework of institutional work, since we established it in July 2001, we have always said and reiterated that even if we leave the whole world and conditions change, this party, with its principles and its members, will remain steadfast and free…

And today I declare before you that we are facing a hot party summer… We will hold the party's general conference… The conference for the martyrs Rami Salman and Samar Abi Farraj… may God have mercy on them and all the martyrs of the party… during this summer, specifically on July 24, within the deadlines specified by the internal regulations… We will strive during it to achieve noticeable change starting from the Political Council all the way down to the smallest party unit… wherever the need arises.

With complete honesty and transparency… and as you are used to from me… this internal change is not about accounting or retaliation against anyone… nor is it about blowing off steam as some might want it to be… However, I am determined that we are in a new phase, and we must keep up with the times and developments… People's sentiments have changed, and their concerns and aspirations have shifted… our political and media discourse must accommodate all this… and this won’t happen if we do not implement the necessary changes to keep pace with this development…

Also, we must operate with the famous saying: "If it were meant for another, it would not have reached you", for the party and its interest and the interest of its continuity is greater than all of us.

After the conference, the performance of the party, its Political Council and its directorates, circles, and units, and its affiliated institutions (the women’s forum, the youth forum, and the scout association) and its offices and media… will change. We will focus on our activities in the regions among our people… we will remain beside them sharing their sorrows before their joys and follow up on their concerns… the upcoming phase is difficult and very challenging.

The coming phase will witness collapses in most remaining sectors, and the collapse is faster than attempts to limit or stop it… After the electricity sector, today the telecommunications sector is on the brink of collapse, and yesterday the Cabinet decided to raise tariffs… From where will the people, who are mostly now below the poverty line, get the new recharge card prices? No one knows… And what about the public debt and the smuggled and looted funds, the halted projects, the deal with the IMF and the World Bank? What about the Syrian refugees? The Beirut port explosion issue? The flour and bread crisis? The drug and healthcare crisis? The fuel crisis? The dollar exchange rate? The near-economic blockade on us?

And what about the upcoming presidency of the Parliament and the new government, first appointing a new president and then forming a government… leading to the presidential entitlements….

In front of this bleak picture, you might say to me… thank God we are out…

On the political front, the results of the elections in Shouf, Aley, Hasbaya, Beirut, and Metn have placed us in the position of the opposition, and we say this before you and everyone… As stated in the holy book: "And it may be that you dislike something while it is good for you, and it may be that you love something while it is bad for you; and Allah knows and you do not know."

Today we are where we are in a position that resembles us… We will be in genuine opposition, not artificial, not deceitful, nor exploiting the people’s pain… We will be in an opposition that resembles us and our history and ethics… We will applaud them for their achievements if they accomplish, and we will hold them accountable for mistakes and erroneous decisions if they err.

We will reassess our dealings with everyone… with allies and adversaries… and we will not compromise… We will not remain silent about injustice, negligence, or falsehood any longer… and we will not take anyone into account except our honorable people… from Hasbaya to Upper Metn…

Here, it is important to note that while we may have lost this fierce battle, I shall not give any importance to the interventions of the West in our affairs, which have become clear and open before all of you, and they have become international actors bragging about our loss in their interviews and statements…

Then we see those who ask if it is conceivable that there are interventions from embassies and countries… And of course, there is no value to the answer.

Despite all that… I conclude by saying that we received more than 9,000 votes in the ballot boxes in Aley alone, increasing by more than 1,200 votes compared to the previous election, when it became clear to everyone the retreat of all political parties by thousands of votes… This is a badge of honor for me…

Here, I thank everyone who stayed up late, exerted effort, and worked with all determination and will for our success,

No matter the result, all of you deserves a thousand thanks… Perhaps we lose a battle, but we will win the war with everyone… and everyone means everyone.

Because we do not resemble anyone… and no one resembles us.”

Arslan had received regional delegations at his home in Khilda yesterday, affirming their loyalty to the Khilda headquarters and his approach regardless of changing circumstances.

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