
Geagea: "God Cuts Them Off and Cuts Off Their Time"


The head of the Lebanese Forces party, Samir Geagea, outlined the specifications that any candidate must meet for him to recommend them to lead the government. These specifications start with a clean record free of corruption and end with a commitment not to monopolize any ministerial portfolio based on sect or political party, especially the Energy Ministry, along with striving to restore sovereign strategic decision-making to the government. He emphasized that the file of border demarcation should not be used for political gain, urging the state to establish a clear position to negotiate without relinquishing Lebanon’s rights.

He confirmed that the most important outcome of the elections was that Hezbollah and its allies lost their parliamentary majority. He criticized some independent and reformist MPs for rejecting cooperation and adopting an "apocalyptic" stance based on the principle that they are right and everyone else is wrong. However, according to Geagea, this will not prevent the Lebanese Forces party from continuing to seek channels of communication with them, ultimately aiming to turn the theoretical majority into an effective one, as there is no hope for the revival of Lebanon without it.

In an interview with "Al Markaziya," Geagea began discussing the governmental file, stating: "It is not true that there are no Sunni names proposed for the premiership." There are personalities being discussed behind the scenes for this role, but for the Lebanese Forces, the most important factor is the required specifications. If they are met, the party will be ready to name the candidate, specifying that the candidate must be free of any corruption allegations, work on establishing a structure or internal system for cabinet operations akin to the parliamentary system, ensuring no minister can obstruct a decision like what Finance Minister Youssef Khalil is currently doing regarding judicial appointments.

The candidate must commit not to allocate any portfolio to any party or sect, with the most crucial being the Energy Ministry during this phase. They should also commit to forming a cohesive government and separating legislative and ministerial roles. They should possess a sovereign identity, work on restoring strategic decisions to the government, and make sure that security and military decisions are confined to the Lebanese army. Geagea also stressed that putting together a recovery plan should be a top priority for the government, to swiftly implement reforms that will pull the country out of its catastrophic situation.

Concerning maritime border demarcation, Geagea described the situation as chaotic, clouded by darkness over many details. The Lebanese state previously sent an official document defining line 23 as Lebanon's maritime boundaries. This designation will remain until proven otherwise. It is unacceptable for all Lebanese to turn into geography and mapping experts; this issue should be handled through official channels where the state establishes a position that preserves Lebanon's rights based on comprehensive studies and documents recorded at the United Nations, which has not yet been accomplished.

"Nobody among us, specifically us in the Lebanese Forces, has claimed to have obtained a parliamentary majority. What we have said, and what is confirmed, is that Hezbollah and its allies have lost the parliamentary majority," Geagea stated, rejecting claims that if the Forces had supported a Shiite candidate in Jbeil or Baalbek, a different Speaker of Parliament could have been elected. He explained that what the party refuses for itself, it does not accept for others; any Shiite candidate who wins by Christian votes does not truly represent the Shiite sect. The required scenario is that a Shiite MP represents their sect genuinely with their own votes; anything else is considered a tactic.

Regarding the outcomes of the two parliamentary sessions and the reasons behind the party's victory for the presidency and vice-presidency, Geagea considered it a mistake by some independent and reformist MPs who refuse to coordinate with any party, judging matters under the umbrella of "everyone means everyone." This hampered the opposition's results since all votes from the March 8 alliance, totaling 61, rallied behind their candidates, while the opposition's disunity led to their loss. He noted that the Lebanese Forces sought from the outset to communicate and coordinate with others and informed everyone that they would not nominate anyone on their side despite there being competent individuals for the role. However, some newly elected MPs rejected the idea, while others wanted to cooperate based on their interests.

Geagea affirmed that none of this would deter them from continuing their efforts to communicate. They are open to dialogue with some, especially those who learned from their loss in hopes of unifying to save Lebanon, though it may take time to turn the theoretical majority into a reality.

Regarding accusations that the Lebanese Forces voted for MP Ali Hassan Khalil, wanted in connection to the Beirut port blast crime, and being called "traitors," Geagea responded: "Our MPs voted based on their principles and convictions, which they do not stray from. Let those remember that we were the first to reject converting the port explosion crime into the parliament to avoid diluting it. We remain loyal to every promise and slogan we have launched; they should stop holding us responsible for the entirety of humanity's mistakes."

"This is the same odious campaign aimed at encircling the Lebanese Forces because they are the actual spearhead of the opposition. They employ known platforms affiliated with the other side to target us, as well as others that might join them out of ignorance to isolate us."

Geagea concluded: "God cuts them off and cuts off their time."

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