
Mikati Followed Up on Public Sector Strike and Salary Issues: Their Rights are Sacred

Mikati Followed Up on Public Sector Strike and Salary Issues: Their Rights are Sacred

The caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati followed up on the public sector employees' strike by contacting Finance Minister Youssef Khalil to discuss the salaries and allowances due to employees and the necessity of paying them on time without delays.

Mikati emphasized that "the rights of employees are sacred, and the government understands their grievances and is doing its best to provide the essentials for endurance during this difficult phase," while also stressing the importance of the continued operation and productivity of state administrations and public institutions to manage employees' affairs and ensure the revenue needed by the state.

**Minister of Labor**

Mikati held a meeting with the caretaker Minister of Labor Mustafa Bayram at the Grand Serail. After the meeting, Bayram stated, "We discussed many matters, primarily the issue raised today regarding salaries and pensions for the public sector. This matter cannot be neglected as it is tied to social security, which is the last remaining support for employees who are suffering."

He added, "The public sector is currently facing the most hardships. His Excellency confirmed that the issue of salaries cannot be ignored, as they, despite their fragility, are the last remnant of social security. He spoke with the Finance Minister, who assured him that salaries are fixed but there are some disruptions and delays affecting payment schedules due to the limited number of employees."

Bayram continued, "I sought His Excellency's permission to invite the public sector employees' association to communicate and meet at the Ministry of Labor to agree on a roadmap for reaching essential solutions that cannot be overlooked. The rights of employees today have become negligible, and we will not allow this; they must receive some rights for the continuation of the Lebanese administration."

He noted: "My goal is to reassure employees that salary cuts are unacceptable, or the state will collapse. I invite the associations to meet; I am part of this sector and understand its pains and needs. Taking into account that an open-ended strike, while justifiable, will create confusion and affect revenues and administrative operations, let us meet to agree on some essential points on this matter."

Regarding transportation allowances and rising fuel prices, he remarked: "There are two paths. The first is linked to me as the Minister of Labor, and this path is more flexible than the public sector, as the private sector can adapt more quickly. We have listened to important statements from the economic bodies, particularly from their president, Mohammad Shuqair. There will be a discussion on Wednesday at the Economic and Social Council, in which I will participate. Concerning the private sector, His Excellency encouraged me in my plans and requested that we achieve something for the public sector. I told him that the amount of 64,000 lira cannot be paid, but this does not prevent me from setting up a mechanism that grants rights to employees, serving as a contribution for them to attend work with minimal losses. I am trying to work on two paths: the private sector, which is faster and easier, and the public sector at a minimum. As we know, the budget has not yet been approved, and spending continues according to the 12-month rule, with issues concerning revenues. However, it is crucial that we manage, at the very least, to grant something to the employees. In Lebanon, we operate step by step and through cumulative processes."

**Minister of Justice**

President Mikati met with the caretaker Minister of Justice, Judge Henry Khoury, who stated, "The ministry's affairs were discussed."

Regarding appointments in the Court of Cassation, he mentioned, "These matters are still in the hands of the Minister of Finance."

About criticism concerning interference in judicial work, he remarked: "Everyone has their perspective, and my job is to preserve the judiciary from all aspects."

**Italian Ambassador**

President Mikati met with the Italian Ambassador Nicolleta Bombardieri, during which they reviewed bilateral relations and the situation in Lebanon and the region.

**Danish Ambassador**

He also received the Danish Ambassador Merete Juhl on a farewell visit.

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