
The Shepherd: For the Election of a Salvational President

The Shepherd: For the Election of a Salvational President

Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros Al-Rahi called for the "urgent formation of a national government due to the country's need for it, and to immediately focus attention on preparing for the election of a salvational president for the republic. There is no valid and national reason that prevents the formation of the government and the election of a new president." In his Sunday sermon, Al-Rahi urged to "dedicate the remaining four months of the presidential term to reducing hatred and police actions, alleviating people's suffering, and maintaining security." He added, "How we wish our officials had an ounce of faith; had they done so, we would not be living in a complete state of collapse. We wish broader parliamentary segments would participate in naming the appointed president."

On another note, Patriarch Al-Rahi considered that "if politicians and leaders in our country dedicated five minutes a day to listen to the word of God, they would act more responsibly in facing the current political, economic, financial, and social challenges facing the country. They would have shown more seriousness in the binding parliamentary consultations, and they would unite to expedite the formation of a new government to tackle these challenges, realizing that they govern the country on behalf of the people, not on behalf of their interests."

His statements came during a sermon delivered at the divine mass on the hill of Saint Rafka in Hamlaya, on the occasion of the feast of the saint. In the sermon, he said: "We would have wished if our civil and political officials had an ounce of faith and the courage required by the challenge; we would not be living in a total collapse politically, economically, financially, socially, and in our livelihoods. We wish broader parliamentary segments would participate in naming the appointed president, whoever it may be, to translate, through positive, constitutional, and national action, the trust granted to them by the people just a few weeks ago, especially since consultations are binding. This way, all Lebanese components would feel they share in all constitutional and national entitlements. In any case, we congratulate Prime Minister Najib Mikati on his reappointment and wish him success."

He reiterated the call for the urgent formation of a national government due to the country's needs, so that immediate attention can focus on preparing for the election of a salvational president for the republic. "There is no explanation for any delay in the formation except distracting us from this constitutional entitlement. There is no valid and national reason preventing the formation of the government and the election of the new president." In this context, he urged all parties to cooperate with the appointed president, away from conditions that are not suitable for this delicate phase and do not help enhance national unity or Lebanon's image before the world.

Al-Rahi expressed his expectation that the appointed president would form a government capable of addressing current issues, encouraging national forces to participate, enhancing legitimacy, and ensuring sovereignty and independence for the country both domestically and internationally. "These remaining four months of the presidential term must be dedicated to reducing hatred, revenge, political vendettas, and judicial pursuits that Lebanese society is unaccustomed to. They must also be dedicated to alleviating people's suffering, maintaining security, neutralizing Lebanon, reviving the judicial investigation into the port crime, adjusting the recovery plan, continuing border negotiations on oil and gas, and especially to elect a new president for the republic as soon as possible to ensure the unity of the Lebanese entity and the continuity of legitimacy, preempting any attempts to create a presidential vacancy, which we reject."

He emphasized the importance of the new government's program, which should include a clear commitment to these issues. "It suffices to look at the state of the Lebanese people for the sleeping consciences of those who have a conscience to awaken. It is enough to see their daily suffering for officials to rise to the level of Lebanon's crisis and for the political community to stop meddling with the fate of the nation and citizens for their partisan and personal interests."

"Politics is a noble art serving the common good, not a hobby; it is primarily a profession and honorable mission that obliges anyone who wishes to practice it to be responsible, serious, mature, experienced, daring, and competent, prioritizing national positions over anything else, especially at this difficult time. All solutions to our crises remain limited in benefit unless we address the national issue in all its dimensions without fear, complexity, or confusion."

"If politicians seem unable, we once again call for a special international conference on Lebanon to treat its ailments after diagnosing them with courage and bravery. We ask God to make the jubilee of Caritas Lebanon a season of increasing goodness and blessings, through the intercession of Our Lady of Lebanon, the Virgin Mary, and Blessed 'Father Jacob,' son of our homeland. With an abundance of faith in the word of God, we raise a hymn of glory and thanks to the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen."

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