
Mikati Responds to Presidential Leaks

Mikati Responds to Presidential Leaks

The media office of caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati issued the following statement: In recent days, news and leaks attributed to the presidency or some individuals associated with it have circulated, addressing the person of the Prime Minister and the task of forming the government, alongside the relationship between His Excellency President Michel Aoun and Prime Minister Mikati.

For clarification, we state the following: On Tuesday of last week, in the context of his task to form the government and cooperate with the President, the Prime Minister's office contacted the Director of Ceremonies at the Presidential Palace, Dr. Nabil Shadid, to request an appointment. The caller was informed with the following reply: "We will get back to you shortly." Until now, no one has contacted us; rather, on the contrary, false news has been leaked regarding a mediation by one of the ministers, which the minister himself has denied, and about a negative response directed by the President to the Prime Minister, which is also untrue.

Simultaneously, a statement was issued regarding the President's activities indicating that His Excellency "is following the course of forming the government," while the basic question remains: with whom was he following it?

Notably, the Presidential Palace, which is keen to monitor every detail and correct inconsistencies where necessary, has yet to issue any clarification or official statement that puts matters in their proper context. On the contrary, what has been distributed to some newspapers today is indirectly confirming leaks under the guise of weak courtesies. Therefore, the Prime Minister announces the following:

First: The governmental formation that he presented to His Excellency the President the day after the parliamentary consultations is the result of a conviction that was born from the existing data and the positions of the parliamentary blocs and political figures. This formation is the appropriate framework for discussions with His Excellency, especially since it aligns with his responsibilities, proposals, and the goals that must be achieved at this very narrow stage. This work is what the constitution requires, as the Prime Minister is the one who bears responsibility before the Parliament.

Second: The Prime Minister believes that the pressing challenges facing the nation do not allow for any delay or hesitation in supporting his efforts to form the government, nor for imposing conditions, obstacles, or patronage arguments that some are attempting to fabricate alongside media campaigns that will not change one bit in the Prime Minister's convictions and choices.

Third: The repeated insults over the past days to the position of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, as it represents nationally, and to the person of the Prime Minister, constitute a degradation in the level of communication that offends everyone on a national level.

The presidency is first concerned with refuting what is attributed to it furtively or indirectly, as it is the highest authority in the state, and the president who occupies it swears an oath to uphold the constitution and commit to preserving national constants and principles. Furthermore, the presidency is concerned with stopping the practices and interventions of some surrounding it who persist in offending and obstructing.

Accordingly, the Prime Minister will continue to work to exit this pattern of obstruction, and future actions will be based on necessary conclusions.

Fourth: The Prime Minister, personally and nationally keen on addressing the accumulated crises that the Lebanese are suffering from, is proceeding with the required tasks from the caretaker government within constitutional norms. Instead of some being distracted by drawing scenarios for upcoming entitlements, they should initiate cooperation with the designated president to form the government and subsequently cooperate accordingly to elect a new president within the legal timeframe.

In conclusion, we would like to remind that there are no so-called "sources or circles of President Mikati," and any position from President Mikati arises solely from him personally or from his media office exclusively, hence the need for clarification.

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