
Facts and Insights: 19 Issues Facing Lebanese People Today

Facts and Insights: 19 Issues Facing Lebanese People Today

1. The price of a loaf of white bread has increased 19 times! The price has risen from 100 LBP to 1,858 LBP, an increase of 18.6 times! In the black market, it has reached around 6,000 LBP (i.e., 60 times), and bread is scarce! The price of a 10-loaf bundle was 1,000 LBP, but now a plastic bag for the bread costs 1,000 LBP! The content of the bundle has decreased from 10 loaves to 7 loaves, costing 13,000 LBP, and in the black market, it has reached 40,000 LBP!

2. 87% of all depositor funds have been stolen by banks! Depositor money was stolen by governments, leaders, the Central Bank of Lebanon, and banking sector management and transferred abroad! A significant portion of Lebanon's wealth has been misappropriated by the same group involved in embezzlement of public funds, along with substantial collusion from major contractors and traders. Government attempts aim to burden the victims with most of the losses!

3. The exchange rate of the dollar has risen 25.4 times! It increased from 1,500 LBP to 38,000 LBP, currently fluctuating between 28,000 and 30,000 LBP (i.e., between 19 and 20 times)! The country is almost entirely dollarized, excluding income! This manipulation of the dollar's exchange rate is the foundation of the crazy inflation wave affecting all goods, especially food. It's not surprising how the dollar rises in the absence of state revenues and misappropriated depositor funds, but how it falls back!

4. The price of a 20-liter tank of gasoline has risen 23 times, from 30,000 LBP to about 690,000 LBP. There has also been a wild increase in the prices of diesel and gas cylinders!

5. The average electricity supply in Lebanon is one hour out of 24, with total blackouts in many areas! Lebanese people are turning to various alternative solutions supported by expatriates, including neighborhood generators, solar energy, UPS, APS, batteries, etc., or resorting back to candles!

6. The cost of generator bills has increased 40 times from 50,000 LBP to 2 million LBP! In some areas, it has surged to 70 times. In the absence of electricity, neighborhood generators have become the primary source of lighting in Lebanon. The cost per kilowatt rises monthly with the exchange rate fluctuations and rising diesel prices, especially after the Russo-Ukrainian war!

7. 95% of the mobile balance of every Lebanese person has been stolen! For someone with a balance of $100, the government has reduced it to only $5!

8. The number of Syrian refugees in Lebanon has doubled from 800,000 to nearly 1,500,000! This includes an estimated 200,000 new births, plus around 100,000 unregistered births! All this occurs amidst the friendship of President Michel Aoun and Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah with President Bashar al-Assad! The infrastructure is burdened with an approximate annual consumption of $2 billion, without any compensation!

9. 1 to 2 out of 7 is the number of working days in the Lebanese administration per week, if not on strike! The country is paralyzed, and the administration is disintegrating and undermining the nation!

10. 65 to 75% of every daily banking transaction is stolen during withdrawals from bank accounts in "stale" USD (not fresh)!

11. The prices of medicines have risen 10 to 25 times on average! The greatest catastrophe is in healthcare!

12. The minimum wage has dropped from around 426 USD to approximately 23 USD monthly (670,000 LBP)! A soldier or employee's salary often does not exceed 45 USD (1.3 million LBP), while a military colonel's salary stands at about 161 USD (4.5 million LBP), and judges earn from 400 to 500 USD! How can the state be managed, protected, and justice be assured?!

13. The price of water from trucks has increased from 15 to 20 times! The price for 1,000 liters of water from trucks has risen from 10,000 LBP to 150,000 and 200,000 LBP (often requiring all building residents to subscribe)! This is due to a nearly constant shortfall in "national" water supplies!

14. The cost of studying in private universities is uncontrollable, ranging from 1,000 to 6,000 "fresh" USD per semester, with school fees reaching 5,000 "fresh" USD! (The minimum wage remains at 23 USD)! Education in Lebanon is in grave danger, and the educational sector is collapsing! Annual school fees range from 20 million LBP to 150 million LBP, and a significant portion must be paid in fresh dollars (ranging from 2,000 to over 5,000 dollars)! Teachers are suffering immensely with the collapse of their wages and travel costs… and the state exploits contracted teachers with the UN, paying them only $0.50 an hour while charging $10 per hour!

15. Over 5,000 members have fled the Lebanese Army and 500 from security forces! Can soldiers endure the financial pressures?! This situation is incredibly difficult and perilous! It is the last warning of the state's collapse!

16. 77% of Lebanese youth seek to emigrate, with 80,000 Lebanese emigrating in 2021 alone and nearly 200,000 Lebanese migrating in the last four years! Various studies indicate that the only way out for Lebanese youth, according to their opinions, is emigration.

17. Approximately 75% of Lebanese are below the poverty line according to ESCWA. It rises to 82% when adding various factors!

18. There were 232 casualties from the Beirut explosion; 7,000 injuries; 300,000 affected; 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate. August 4! Justice: zero!

19. The October 17 Revolution, 2019: 2 to 3 million protesters; 11 martyrs; 1,500 injured; thousands of protests! Thousands of demonstrations and movements took place between October 17, 2019, and May 15, 2022. 330,000 preferential votes for the victorious change lists, and 142,000 for the losing lists, according to various sources. This represents the largest political force in Lebanon by the number of votes, with 13 deputies in the bloc.

Many other daily expenses related to maintenance and repairs could be mentioned, but this has been limited to some essential issues. The mentioned figures are approximate based on studies or daily invoices from citizens.

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