
The Striking Judges: Do Not Bet on Our Silence Any Longer

The Striking Judges: Do Not Bet on Our Silence Any Longer

A statement was issued by the judges of Lebanon who announced a strike from work, stating: "Once we understand history and learn from our past experiences, facing the present becomes undeniably achievable and the path to the future is clearly defined. Since independence, the legislator has failed to enact a law that genuinely establishes the independence of the judiciary and achieves the principles of separation and balance of powers, despite the urgent need for such a law in society that provides citizens with the necessary guarantees to live in a state worthy of belonging. In the recent past, judges have sounded the alarm numerous times warning that work conditions are on the brink of untenability without receiving any responsive ears from the authority that deliberately ignored the legitimate demands of judges. This is due to several reasons, primarily the relentless desire to undermine, subordinate, and humiliate the judiciary, coupled with the absence of a genuine will to establish a capable and effective judiciary. Indeed, the situation has reached a breaking point, and a permanent cessation of work has become an unavoidable option.

In light of the above, the judges of Lebanon address the public with this statement not out of justification or seeking sympathy, but to put matters in their correct perspective for the sake of the public interest and to preserve what remains of a state and the debris of institutions. The campaigns of deception are ongoing, and the fabrications by some media outlets and social media are systematic, aiming to undermine the judiciary's prestige and tarnish the dignity of judges. The talk about promises, financial engineering, and blatant bribes is entirely unfounded; otherwise, why would we stop working? Here, it must be pointed out that the salary of a senior judge who has served for nearly forty years does not exceed eight million Lebanese pounds, contrary to the fabricated news affecting the judiciary core.

To the oppressed people, we declare: they have succeeded in dividing you into sectors and sects: public and private sectors, employees and contractors, civilians and military personnel, workers and retirees, all to distract you with narrow interests and divert your attention from the core issue, which is the state of law and rights, which can only rise with an independent and effective judiciary. Thus, we must rise; the time has come for awareness and awakening, and now is the time for effort and perseverance. We must say no, no to the law of the jungle any longer, no to provocation and division among community segments, no to forced labor for anyone, no to being satisfied with crumbs here or there, while they indulge in our wealth and squander generously! Our struggle is not with you, and your struggle is not with us either; we either uplift the homeland together or drown it alongside you in dark seas.

Similarly, to the decision-makers, we convey a clear message, not demands or wishes: you are responsible, so find solutions without excuses or justifications, and the burden of compensation rests solely on your shoulders; do not attribute it to an entire populace, nor hold the honorable majority of judges responsible for failure, and do not bet on our inclination to shyness and compliance with silence any longer. This is your last opportunity for reform and saving the nation from destruction, so what will you do?

In simple terms, we say: we judges can no longer access the dark, desolate courts to do our work, as judging fairly requires a mental and moral clarity that you have systematically deprived us of. It is not for us to plead, nor for anyone else to force us into what we cannot endure. You strip the judge of everything and demand everything from them, holding them responsible for everything. It is not our duty to guide you on how to save the judiciary; it is your duty. May you find the way to salvage what can be salvaged before it is too late, or else peace be upon the homeland."

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