
# One Year Since the Talil Massacre

# One Year Since the Talil Massacre

A meeting was held in the Mukhtar Hall in the town of Dousa, Akkar, at the invitation of the Dousa Municipality and the families of the victims and wounded from the Talil explosion, to mark the anniversary of this great tragedy. Attendees included the families of the martyrs and victims, a spiritual delegation from Akkar consisting of Mufti of Akkar Sheikh Zaid Zakaria, Archpriest Elias Jirges representing Maronite Archbishop of Tripoli Bishop Joseph Suwayf, and Father Michel Bardqan representing Archbishop Edward Daher of the Melkite Greek Catholic Archdiocese of Tripoli and its dependencies. Dr. Assad Al-Sahmarani, a number of scholars and sheikhs, heads of unions and municipalities, mukhtars, and other regional figures were also present.

The meeting began with a speech from the families of the martyrs and the wounded, followed by remarks from the Mayor of Dousa, Engineer Bilal Mahmoud, who stated, "We gather today to reaffirm our trust in the Lebanese state, the Lebanese judiciary, the Higher Judicial Council, and the course of justice leading to the truth. Today, I stand before you on behalf of myself and the families of the martyrs and the wounded to demand from the Lebanese state, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the concerned ministries, and the army leadership the following:

First: Accelerate the implementation of Law No. 289 issued by the Parliament on 12/4/2022 related to compensation and pensions for military personnel and civilians.

Second: Complete the hiring of relatives of the military and civilian martyrs.

Third: Allocate a monthly salary for the wounded who are permanently disabled due to the explosion."

He added, "We call on the Lebanese state, the Ministry of Health, and local and international charitable organizations, as well as friendly countries that have not spared any help, to continue to monitor the situation of the wounded who are facing difficulties in securing the necessary medications."

He concluded, "In Akkar, we emphasize living together and preserving civil peace under the roof of the state and the law, and we pray to God to alleviate the suffering of our beloved country to overcome its political and economic crises that led to this tragic event. Akkar will remain a model to be emulated in love and solidarity for the homeland."

Former Bar Association President Mohammed Murad stated, "This disaster has deeply affected innocent lives and their miserable families from the villages of Akkar left to their fate: Dousa, Kouikhat, Ammar Al-Bekaat, Ain Tenta, Kharba Shar, Deir Adouiyeh, Barabara, Kawashrah, Sindianni, and Dababiyah, resulting in more than 31 martyrs and over seventy injured and scarred. This is one of the most horrific major crimes that have occurred in Lebanon, affecting its social security and human dignity, and it has become a top concern for both domestic and international public opinion."

He continued, "From the very first day of this catastrophic crime until now, this case has made several steps on both judicial and legislative levels, the most important of which were the decisions of the Bar Associations in Tripoli and Beirut to refer it to the Higher Judicial Council due to the enormity and catastrophic effects of the crime. This was done to ensure balance between the rights of prosecution and defense, which is not available before military courts. The demands of both Bar Associations have converged and interacted with all legitimate, spiritual, parliamentary, municipal, and notables’ figures."

He added that the close cooperation between all parties led to the issuance of Law No. 289 on 12/4/2022, granting compensation and pensions to the families of Lebanese victims who died in the explosion, and enabling injured Lebanese to benefit from health services. The implementation of this law is a subject of ongoing follow-up by the spiritual meeting in Akkar, the legal committee for the Talil explosion, and the follow-up committee with the Prime Minister, the relevant ministers, and the army leadership to apply it."

He concluded by saying, "This case will remain our collective responsibility, and pursuing it judicially is a professional, moral, and humanitarian obligation, while following up on it socially through the implementation of the law is among the priorities."

At the end of the meeting, Mufti Zakaria delivered a speech stating, "We mark the first anniversary of the Talil explosion on August 15, a massacre that is intertwined with the explosion of the Port of Beirut, as if they are sisters in crime and tragedy. More than 30 civilians and military personnel fell victim to this massacre, and dozens were severely burned, adding to the wounds of Akkar and its pain and deprivation. Some tried to use the Talil massacre as fuel for sectarian strife, but the Akkari people, through their awareness and brotherhood and thanks to the efforts of the spiritual meeting and the wise, resisted this sedition and framed this incident as an isolated event without politicization or distortion."

He added, "We have called, as everyone has, for the referral of this crime to the Higher Judicial Council, and the indictment has been issued. However, this ruling did not satisfy the families of the martyrs and the injured, as it did not include the responsible parties or those who caused this crime. In their view, it will not deter smugglers or traders. Thanks to the continued pursuit by the Bar Associations in Beirut and Tripoli and the families of the martyrs and the injured, a law was enacted by Parliament to compensate the families of the martyrs and the injured, but it still needs activation, execution, and acceleration from the relevant ministries and the army leadership, which we are currently pursuing to assist the families in claiming their rights, especially the wounded who are incurring large expenses for medications and treatments, some of whom need to continue their treatment abroad."

He continued, "Today, we renew the call for addressing crises before they lead to disaster. We are hearing new alarm bells that we are facing a fuel crisis and reopening the doors to smuggling, which will lead to renewed issues previously faced due to crowds at stations seeking a liter of gasoline or diesel. Furthermore, we are approaching a presidential entitlement that the Lebanese people are eagerly awaiting, but unfortunately, the country has entered a state of stagnation until it is achieved, despite all the living, economic, security, and social conditions we are facing. Therefore, our appeal to all responsible individuals is to have mercy on your people, to honor the blood of our martyrs, to rid yourselves of your narrow interests and detestable sectarianism, and to build a homeland for your children and grandchildren before regret is of no use, to prevent them from dying as a result of burning, drowning, illness, hunger, or murder."

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