
Maronite Bishops: Urgency in Forming a Government

Maronite Bishops: Urgency in Forming a Government

The Maronite Bishops held their monthly meeting at the summer residence of the Patriarchate in Diman, chaired by Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros al-Rahi, with the participation of the general superiors of Maronite congregations. They discussed ecclesiastical and national issues. At the end of the meeting, they issued a statement read by the Patriarchal Deputy Antoine Aoukar, which stated:

1. The bishops expressed their astonishment at the official delay in forming a new government, considering the urgent and difficult circumstances in the country. They urged those involved to set aside political divisions and mutual conditions, preventing further complications that lead to divisions concerning the constitution and its requirements.

2. The bishops called on members of the parliament, both blocs and independents, to reject even the thought of a vacancy in the presidency by constitutional mandate and to take the initiative to elect a new president for the republic as soon as the constitutional period begins. They emphasized that the people who entrusted their deputies with the responsibilities of legislation and oversight must fulfill constitutional obligations in a timely and proper manner. They hold the deputies accountable for any delays in the electoral process, which is expected to lead to electing a president possessing known qualifications, open to dialogue with all political factions, and capable of effectively contributing to placing Lebanon on the path of reform and recovery.

3. The bishops expressed deep concern over the collapse of the administrative, judicial, oversight, and security bodies, while the madness of prices and the lack of basic life necessities, such as food, electricity, water, and health, leave citizens victims of chaos with no end in sight. They appealed to officials in both the public and private sectors to consider their conscience, prioritize the interests of the state and the people, and present them above any other interests, safeguarding what remains of the state’s components.

4. The bishops expressed their appreciation for the military institution's efforts in maintaining order and preventing chaos. They believe that all Lebanese have a significant responsibility to support the military in successfully carrying out its tasks.

5. The Church will celebrate the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in mid-October, which, through Christ’s blood, transformed an instrument of torture and contempt into a source of salvation and redemption for all humanity. On this occasion, the bishops called upon all their sons and daughters to prepare for this feast through prayer, repentance, and good deeds, asking God to grant everyone the necessary grace to bear their daily cross with faith, patience, and hope, emulating Christ the Savior and the saints and martyrs who preceded them.

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