
Title: Cardinal Raï from Ainata: Lebanon, a Land of Pride, Resilience, and Faith

Title: Cardinal Raï from Ainata: Lebanon, a Land of Pride, Resilience, and Faith

The patriarch of Antioch and the rest of the East, Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros Raï, congratulated the congregation in the courtyard of the Saints Sergius and Bacchus Church in Ainata during a visit organized by parish priest Father Selim Khadra. He was received ceremoniously with traditional artistic performances, folklore displays with swords and shields, and flower and cedar scattering. After blessing the crowds and reciting prayers, a celebration was held inside the church, attended by the Maronite Bishop of Baalbek-El Hermel, Bishop Hanna Rahmeh, MP Antoine Habchi, former MP Emile Rahmeh, the coordinator for the Lebanese Forces in the northern Bekaa, Elias Abu Rafoul, mayors, and notables.

Raï thanked the people of Ainata and the members of the diocese for the warm reception, stating, "This is a testament to the love of the people of Ainata, which is both the entrance and exit of the northern Bekaa; whether entering or leaving the region, one must pass through Ainata."

He continued: "We entered the church and observed the diocese and the parish house, which we blessed. I recalled how Cardinal Peter Safir had a broad vision when he separated the patriarchate of Deir el-Ahmar to establish it as an independent diocese. Today, Bishop Hanna Rahmeh has flown in his work and management of the diocese, and I commend Bishop Rahmeh for his contributions and pride. I wish you all goodness and blessings."

He concluded: "Be assured that this visit is dear to my heart, and you have all my love. I hope Lebanon returns to its people and continues to be a land of pride, resilience, and faith."

Father Khadra expressed that "Patriarch Raï, with his visit to this diocese, spreads joy among the parishioners. This memory and love will be preserved in our minds until the last moment of our lives."

In turn, Michel Nasr Rahmeh, the mayor of Ainata, welcomed Patriarch Raï, stating, "In Ainata, the gateway to the northern Bekaa, the entrance to the Deir el-Ahmar area, the land of goodness and kindness, the area of pride, dignity, and resilience—home of Bishop Hanna Rahmeh."

He noted that "The town of Ainata faces many challenges, but we, in the municipal council with the cooperation of the local community and donors, have managed to accomplish numerous vital projects and improve infrastructure. However, the challenges are great and concerns are increasing regarding electricity, diesel, gasoline, transportation, healthcare costs, securing medicine, agriculture, irrigation, and the difficulty of selling apples."

He added, "They are under the delusion that they can rob us of our love for our land and country and drive us to emigrate, forgetting that we are a people of faith and hope, children of the church and descendants of St. John Maron."

He concluded: "You, our lord, are the word of truth that disturbs them, and you are the conscience of the nation that worries them, and we, along with every free Lebanese person in this country, stand with you because you are a national reference transcending sects, concerned with preserving the identity, freedom, and dignity of Lebanon and all its people."

The patriarch was presented with an artistic portrait depicting him blessing the town of Ainata.

Subsequently, the patriarch traveled to the town of Bleiqa, where he consecrated the altar of St. Charbel Church and blessed its reception.

He also consecrated the altar of St. Michael Church and visited St. Joseph Church in Deir el-Ahmar, blessing the congregation there.

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