
Tracy Chamoun Announces Her Candidacy for Presidency... A New Vision for the Republic

Tracy Chamoun Announces Her Candidacy for Presidency... A New Vision for the Republic

Tracy Chamoun announced her candidacy for the presidential elections during a press conference where she presented a "new vision for the republic," attended by several ambassadors, the head of the Journalists' Syndicate Joseph Al-Qasifi, and various media and social figures. Chamoun stated, "I come to you today because Lebanon stands at a critical crossroads in our history. There is no need for me to remind you of the series of disasters that have befallen us over the past years. We have all been victims of political decisions that exacerbated our problems by wasting opportunities to provide solutions to the current crisis in the country, due to internal conflicts and narrow political agendas."

She added, "Experiences have shown that the lack of agreement between the President of the Republic and the heads of the Parliament and the Government leads to paralysis and opens the door to political vendettas, for which we have paid a price economically and socially. This has deprived us of conducting many reforms and implementing new developmental projects."

She emphasized that "agreement does not mean giving up powers and rights, but rather finding constructive common ground for a promising future. We cannot rebuild the nation except by adhering to our principles and restoring the values of honesty, tolerance, and mutual respect as rules for interaction and dialogue among us, and ceasing the search for mistakes and blaming others. The role of the President of the Republic is to embody these values and ensure peaceful coexistence among all components of the nation."

Chamoun said, "After the bloody criminal explosion that struck the Port of Beirut on August 4, 2020, I submitted my resignation from my position as Lebanon’s Ambassador to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, refusing to be a false witness. We must know the truth and hold accountable those responsible for this crime stripped of humanity, while removing politics from the judiciary. This tragedy brought me back to Lebanon in solidarity with the victims and their families, and in solidarity with my people and with Lebanon that I love, so that my fate aligns with my compatriots, coinciding with the worst and deepest economic collapse we have witnessed."

She added, "Therefore, out of my love for Lebanon and all Lebanese without any discrimination among children, youth, and the elderly from all regions, carrying a political legacy characterized by openness to all sects, love for the homeland, and sacrifice for it, I come with humility to dedicate myself to serving you and serving Lebanon, announcing to the people and their representatives, the 128 Members of Parliament, my candidacy for the upcoming Lebanese presidential elections."

She continued, "Why am I running? Because it is a mission I share with various political forces despite their contradictions and divisions. I will work, above all else, to seek commonalities and points of convergence to build upon, with the aim of neutralizing Lebanon from external conflicts and liberating the Lebanese people from sterile internal struggles. Why am I running? Because I say it frankly, I will be – if God wills it – a president for all Lebanese, and I will not accept that any Lebanese feels injustice due to their sectarian affiliation, nor targeting what the constitution and conventions preserve of rights. Why am I running? Because I have a new vision for the republic, a vision capable of providing solutions to the economic, social, and political problems that weigh down our homeland."

She declared that "my new vision for the republic requires several steps, in complete cooperation with the upcoming executive authority." She stated, "My vision for the republic guarantees improving Lebanon's relationship with Arab countries, especially the Gulf ones. Lebanon cannot be governed by anyone or against anyone. Lebanon is governed by the Lebanese through its constitutional institutions, via a democratically elected Parliament under a fair electoral law, and by supporting the army and security forces as they are the only guarantee for stability and the security of the nation, as well as through an independent and honest judiciary that ensures fair trials for the people and secures judges' independence by not interfering in their work, to avoid favoritism and political and sectarian pressures."

She continued, "Today, Lebanon is experiencing both political and economic turmoil simultaneously, and the road to solution begins with politics to serve the economy. Here, it must be emphasized and reiterated that Lebanon cannot continue without adhering to its sovereignty and independence, and without establishing a clear defensive strategy. This is not a slogan; it is a necessity. Just as Lebanon cannot be governed by one team, the decisions of peace and war cannot be held by anyone except within the framework of official institutions, realizing that this issue can only be addressed rationally, not through challenges and coercion, especially with external bets."

She said, "The issue of Syrian refugees also arises in politics, which has a huge impact on our economy. In light of the financial deterioration that Lebanon is experiencing today, the issue of Syrian refugees has become a burden on Lebanese shoulders. There must be a solution that guarantees their safe return to their country within acceptable time limits, and that will be one of my priorities. As for the Palestinian refugees residing in Lebanon, finding sustainable humanitarian solutions that guarantee their right of return has become essential. Their situation has not been addressed for decades, which has had a negative impact on them and on the safety of the country, as well as handling the file of Palestinian camps that remain Lebanese land, where armed groups should not spread and where security forces should not need permission from anyone to enter."

Chamoun confirmed that "the priority in the coming phase begins from the very first moment with the formation of a government to restore trust in Lebanon's economic future, from all Lebanese and all countries wishing to help Lebanon overcome its multiple crises. From here, I will strive to build a productive economy through agriculture, industry, and services based on knowledge economy, and all of this requires recovery in public finances, which begins with stopping waste and corruption before increasing any unjust taxes or fees."

She stated, "The financial balance between revenues and expenditures is a necessary condition to limit inflation, which I consider a burden on those with fixed incomes, as well as focusing on reviving the public sector, starting from the ministries to all state institutions. In this context, the plan includes approving an updated national budget, as without a budget, one cannot manage a country efficiently and productively. I propose that the budget cover programs and plans for a three-year period, with the possibility of reviewing and evaluating it when necessary, in order to establish developmental projects and draw a long-term roadmap, and then reach the approval of a new, studied salary scale that addresses the needs of public sector employees and puts an end to the depletion of their purchasing power, all in conjunction with implementing the required reforms in this sector."

She believed that "updating the economy requires an effective and advanced electricity network, so we need to provide oversight and accountability by completing the appointment of officials to the National Regulatory Authority for the Electricity Sector and removing this file from the political bazaar, to be addressed technically with the help of friendly countries, providing a comprehensive and integrated solution, and exploring the possibility and means of involving the private sector. Also in the energy field, managing 'water' as a natural resource is essential for moving forward. Thus, I call for establishing an independent Ministry of Water to manage vital resources and to focus on building safe dams, prioritizing the environment and protecting it and restoring nature to its previous beauty and cleanliness."

She continued, "As for the waste problem, solving it is essential, adopting a national strategy that tackles the recycling project and sorting it at the source and converting it into productive energy to preserve the environment and ensure the protection of public health."

Chamoun confirmed, "Completing the delimitation of maritime and land borders is a priority of the current phase, allowing us to start exploring for oil and gas on which we depend for the revival of the Lebanese economy. We seek to achieve self-sufficiency in this sector, so the upcoming government is requested to expedite the legal and logistical procedures to start extraction from all areas within internationally undisputed territories. However, more importantly, as the world moves away from thermal oil, we must steadily and increasingly shift towards developing alternative clean energy solutions, aiming to produce 50% of sustainable energy by 2030."

She added, "To prevent the Lebanese economy from being a sinking ship, any step, no matter how significant, will remain incomplete without practical steps on accountability, transparency, and implementing the required reforms, such as activating the Anti-Corruption Authority, especially in public administrations. In this context, I will work to launch a digital government as an essential tool in the battle against nepotism and corruption in the public sector. This feature will promote good governance and sound administration, enabling citizens to access information and services easily, transparently, and at a lower cost."

She indicated that she would work "hard to promote balanced development in the regions culturally, socially, and economically, as stipulated in the preamble of the constitution, leading to the implementation of the most suitable decentralization project that will contribute to the growth of the local economy based on the characteristics and needs of each region."

She stated, "Socially, efforts must be focused on finding studied solutions to ensure justice for depositors and provide social security, especially for the elderly, the sick, and children, as well as exploring ways to compensate retirees. Additionally, preserving the quality of education in Lebanon, which we have proudly claimed. The advanced educational level academically and at the university level imposes on us the responsibility to maintain and develop it and limit its depletion, putting a plan in place to uplift this sector, to keep this nation a beacon of the East."

She pointed out that "one of the sectors greatly affected by the economic collapse is the health sector, which happened upon losing a huge number of medical competencies from doctors and nurses who can no longer work in Lebanon."

She said, "I believe that if we follow a program to revive all sectors, that will lead to restoring trust in this homeland, and we will attract all professionals to return to Lebanon to provide and continue offering the high-quality health and medical services we excel in. As for tourism, which is Lebanon's eternal charm, we will work on developing plans to enhance this sector and improve its services so that Lebanon can again attract tourists from all over the world in an atmosphere of security and stability."

She continued, "If I gain the trust of the honorable parliament, I will be the first Arab woman to reach this position. Lebanon will be, as we have known it and as we want it to be, a pioneer in enhancing women's presence in political life, thanks to their experience, competence, and will, and this is what I will work on. I will also strive to regain the trust of its citizens, especially its youth, so that emigration is no longer the dream of many of them, but they find in the heart of their homeland spaces to realize their dreams and return to their families."

She added, "As I dedicate myself to serving Lebanon, specifically in service of this new vision for the republic that summarizes your dream, your vision, and your propositions, I will spare no effort and will not hesitate in this endeavor, with your participation."

She concluded, "My dear ones, seventy years ago, my grandfather Kamil Chamoun was elected President of the Republic, and his term was marked by prosperity that makes us, after seven decades, reminisce about the institutions and projects established during his presidency, some of which are now paralyzed or in a state of dysfunction. After seventy years, I am not speaking today from a point of inheritance, but from a deeply rooted belief passed down from generation to generation in this homeland that holds the remains of my grandfather and grandmother, where my father Dani, his wife, and my brothers Tarek and Julian fell as martyrs, and my father refused to live anywhere else, to die and be buried here."

She concluded, "I aspire today, a sentiment shared by many, to move from poverty to prosperity. Is this task impossible? Not at all. Is it difficult? Certainly. But the will exists, determination exists, and hope exists. I thank all those who will support me in this candidacy, not out of ambition for positions, but out of love for Lebanon and a mission to save it. I also thank everyone who stood or will stand by me and all those present here today, friends, journalists, and media outlets, hoping that all Lebanese will stand side by side, to shout with one voice and one heart: Long live Lebanon! Lebanon and its people, you have lived, and long live Lebanon."

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