
Municipalities of Akkar Plain Demand Electricity Repairs

Municipalities of Akkar Plain Demand Electricity Repairs

The Akkar Plain Municipal Union Council held a meeting today, Sunday, at the Union’s headquarters in Al-Maqeet, Kfar Melki, to discuss the issue of electricity outages in the area and the recent bills. The council issued a statement urging the Ministry of Energy "to make the decision to repair the emergency electrical faults on the Akkar Plain line, as the high voltage lines have been stolen and electricity has been cut off from many villages and towns in the Akkar Plain for more than three months, despite numerous inquiries and the claim that the Electricité du Liban company does not have the resources to fix the problems. Therefore, we urge the Minister of Energy to provide his directives." The council also called for a review of "the electricity bills issued by Electricité du Liban, regarding the fees that reach one million Lira, excluding consumption."

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