In a tragic manner, an American boy lost his life after participating in a dangerous and popular challenge on TikTok. The boy, Jacob Stevens, who was 13 years old and from Ohio, died from an overdose of medication while trying to impress his followers as part of a reckless challenge.
The child was taken to the hospital and placed on a ventilator, but he remained in critical condition for six days before passing away. The challenge involves taking between 12 and 14 pills of antihistamines to enter a state of hallucination, a dosage that is six times higher than the amount recommended by health authorities.
Medically, antihistamines are prescribed to alleviate various pains, such as those caused by allergies and the flu. Justin, the victim's father, mentioned that his late son was with friends over the weekend when he took the overdose of medication. Photos showed significant swelling in the child's body after taking the excessive dose of antihistamines, as he was still young.