
Title: Al-Safaa Club Condemns "Irresponsible" Behavior Towards Al-Salam Team

Title: Al-Safaa Club Condemns

Al-Safaa Club condemned the image circulating on social media during the match between Al-Safaa and Al-Salam Zgharta on Friday, which shows a person brandishing a firearm from the roof of a building adjacent to the Al-Safaa stadium in Wati al-Masaitba. The club clarified that the individual in the image does not represent the values of Al-Safaa's fans but rather acts on their own, emphasizing that the incident occurred outside the stadium premises.

Consequently, the sports club issued a statement denouncing this "irresponsible" behavior towards the northern club "with which we share all bonds of brotherhood, love, and sports interaction," and extended warm greetings to the Al-Salam team, considering "our stadium to be their stadium and vice versa."

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