Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Maliar confirmed on Friday that Ukrainian forces advanced nearly two kilometers around the city of Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine this week and that they did not abandon any position in the city during that time. Maliar wrote on Telegram, "How does the enemy cover the battles in Bakhmut? The enemy praises itself and talks about supposed successes, inventing stories about our military leadership." She added, "At the same time, the enemy provides false information about a shortage of weapons, which is likely aimed at justifying the real situation." Russia's Defense Ministry said Friday that it repelled an offensive by Ukrainian forces launched the day before along a 95-kilometer front near the town of Soledar, located 18 kilometers away from Bakhmut. Later in the day, Maliar stated that "Russian attacks are met with defensive operations and counterattacks, indicating that such movements are not part of any large-scale Ukrainian counteroffensive." She continued, "This situation has already been ongoing in the east for several months; this is all! Nothing more than this is happening."