
Title: Lebanese Taekwondo Delegation Participates in World Championship in Azerbaijan

Title: Lebanese Taekwondo Delegation Participates in World Championship in Azerbaijan

The Lebanese national taekwondo team is participating in the World Championship hosted by the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku. Below are the names of the delegation: National Teams Director and National Coach Grand Master Ralph Harb (Head of Delegation), Grand Master Eli Ilya (Coach), Rafael Qudsi (under 59 kg), Ralph Hnineh (under 63 kg), Habib Samaha (under 67 kg), Ray Al-Raee (over 87 kg), Anna Haddad (under 49 kg), Mariella Bou Habib (under 53 kg), Leticia Aoun (under 57 kg), and Ward Salman (under 73 kg).

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