
Title: Abi Ramia: Arrest the Troublemakers at President Fouad Chehab Stadium

Title: Abi Ramia: Arrest the Troublemakers at President Fouad Chehab Stadium

After the violent incidents that occurred at President Fouad Chehab Stadium in Jounieh, MP Simon Abi Ramia stated that the scene confirms the correctness of the actions taken by the Parliamentary Youth and Sports Committee last week in sounding the alarm and calling for a coordination committee between the federations and security forces to prevent such acts. He demanded in a tweet on Twitter the arrest of the troublemakers and the imposition of the harshest penalties. What is happening at President Fouad Chehab Stadium in Jounieh due to acts of violence confirms the validity of the actions taken by the Parliamentary Youth and Sports Committee last week to raise the alarm and request a coordination committee between the federations and security forces to prevent these acts. The demand is to arrest the troublemakers and impose the harshest penalties. A salute to the security forces. Enough! pic.twitter.com/9AvbDgEEeo — Simon Abi Ramia (@SimonAbiramia) March 12, 2023

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