
Beware of Exercising with a Full Stomach!

Beware of Exercising with a Full Stomach!

German professor Ingo Froboese has recommended avoiding exercise with a full stomach, as digestion conflicts with physical effort. He explained that digestion takes priority and begins immediately, which can hinder its completion during intense exercise, significantly affecting performance.

The reason for this is that insufficient blood supply does not allow for high performance, as blood is concentrated in the digestive system, forcing an individual to exert extra effort when trying to exercise at a high level.

To avoid this conflict, Froboese advised exercising two to three hours after eating, noting that some fatty meals, such as a whole pizza and raw food, take longer to digest, between four to five hours.

For those engaging in endurance sports, Froboese recommended a serving of pasta with as little fatty sauce as possible, as this meal provides sufficient energy. For those performing muscle-strengthening exercises, he suggested high-energy foods like a small piece of fish or meat.

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