
Will "Lebanon's Strong" Deputies Attend the Session on October 13?


The "L'Orient-Le Jour" learned that contrary to reports of the "Lebanon's Strong" group boycotting the presidential election session scheduled for next Thursday, coinciding with the anniversary of President Michel Aoun's military removal from the Baabda Palace on October 13, due to the historical significance of the date for Aoun personally, as well as for the party and its supporters, sources from the bloc stated, "There is no official decision yet, and the issue is still under study; we still have more time, but there will definitely be a position." Some information suggests that the party might boycott the election session. In this regard, MP Alan Aoun expressed hope for postponing the session if there is a possibility to consider the feelings of an essential bloc in the council and its large audience, inviting for another session that includes everyone without any considerations, deeming that the white paper remains an option for the Free National Bloc.

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