
Title: "Moana" Animated Film... A Cinematic Version in Preparation!


American star Dwayne Johnson announced at the annual shareholders meeting of The Walt Disney Company that the company is preparing a cinematic version of the animated film "Moana."

The story of "Moana" is set in ancient Polynesia and follows a teenage girl who embarks on an epic journey to help save her tribe. Johnson, who voiced the demi-god Maui in the original film, expressed his humility and gratitude for bringing "Moana's beautiful story to the big silver screen."

Johnson, whose mother hails from the Samoan islands, stated, "This story is my culture, representing the beauty of our people and symbolizing their fighting spirit." He noted that "the new film is in the early stages of preparation, and the release date for the cinematic version has not yet been announced." The animated version of "Moana" was released in 2016 and grossed approximately $683 million in global box offices.

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