
Title: Lifelong Suspension of Former Vice President of the Haitian Football Federation Upheld

Title: Lifelong Suspension of Former Vice President of the Haitian Football Federation Upheld

The Court of Arbitration for Sport announced today, Thursday, that it has upheld the decision of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) to impose a lifelong ban on former Vice President of the Haitian Football Federation, Rosnick Grant, from all activities related to the sport. FIFA conducted an investigation into Grant as part of an inquiry into former Haitian Federation President Yves Jean-Bart following allegations of sexual harassment. FIFA's ethics committee identified Grant as one of those who committed acts of sexual harassment and issued a lifelong ban in 2021. The fine imposed on Grant was reduced to 35 Swiss francs (38,000 dollars) instead of 100,000 francs due to the disproportionate salary conditions he was subjected to in Haiti. In February of last year, the Court of Arbitration for Sport annulled the lifelong suspension imposed on Jean-Bart.

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