
Title: The Patriarch: We Hope to Elect a President for the Republic Soon

Title: The Patriarch: We Hope to Elect a President for the Republic Soon

Maronite Patriarch Bechara Al-Rahi, in his sermon during the Pentecost Mass today, Sunday, from Bkerke, noted that "we are suffering in Lebanon from immorality and corruption, resulting from ignorance of God's word and setting it aside, as well as from the absence of love in hearts. This is evident at the level of the political community, where love means nothing to some; instead, they violate it with hatred and malice. However, we would like to thank God for what we hear regarding reaching some agreement among the parliamentary blocs about the next president, so that he does not pose a challenge to anyone, while simultaneously possessing a character that responds to Lebanon's current needs and inspires both internal and external confidence."

Al-Rahi expressed hope that "a president for the republic will be elected as soon as possible, so that constitutional institutions can function normally, soundly, and effectively, and hence the chaos occurring at various levels will cease, along with the arbitrary decisions and decrees that disregard the president and his powers, which remain subject to doubt and objection."

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