Saudi Arabia

Bin Salman Confirms to Macron Saudi Arabia's Efforts to Curb Escalation in Gaza

Bin Salman Confirms to Macron Saudi Arabia's Efforts to Curb Escalation in Gaza

The Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported that "Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz received a phone call from French President Emmanuel Macron, during which the current military escalation in Gaza and its surroundings was discussed." Bin Salman emphasized "the necessity of working to explore ways to halt military operations that have resulted in innocent victims," confirming "Saudi Arabia's efforts to intensify communication, work on de-escalation, and respect international humanitarian law, including lifting the blockade on Gaza and preparing conditions for stability and the resumption of the peace process, ensuring that the Palestinian people obtain their legitimate rights and achieve just and lasting peace." He stressed "Saudi Arabia's rejection of targeting civilians in any form, or disrupting infrastructure and vital interests that impact their daily lives."

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