
Title: Al-Rahi: Dialogue Requires Shedding Personal Interests

Title: Al-Rahi: Dialogue Requires Shedding Personal Interests

Maronite Patriarch Bechara Al-Rahi stated that "the dialogue to which the nation's representatives are called, if it occurs despite the tensions, requires coming to it without preconceived judgments and without imposing ideas and projects. It also requires a spirit of detachment from personal and sectarian interests, and reliance on the constitution as the only path to follow. Furthermore, it necessitates honesty and the acknowledgment of personal mistakes, as well as the pursuit of objective truth that liberates and unites." Al-Rahi, in his Sunday Mass sermon at his summer residence in Diman, pointed out that "political leaders need hearts to guide them on what to do," adding, "They talk about corruption, yet no one knows who the corrupt are."

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