
Algeria Uncovers Dangerous Drug in Candy Tablets for Children

Algeria Uncovers Dangerous Drug in Candy Tablets for Children

The Algerian police in the Oran province, western Algeria, dismantled a workshop for the production of the drug "ecstasy" and arrested 5 individuals in what they described as a "qualitative" operation, seizing 50,000 ecstasy tablets. The network was active in a workshop manufacturing this type of dangerous drug, which is heavily consumed in nightlife venues. It was noted that the owner of the workshop had a candy-making business and entered into a partnership with someone residing in France. The latter attempted to smuggle a quantity of the raw material for ecstasy production through the Oran port, but the operation was thwarted. According to the police, the ecstasy tablets were shaped like candy, and the security agency confirmed that the intended target was young children this time.

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