
Title: Wahhab: Party Interference in the Ministry of Communications to Protect Internet Pirates

Title: Wahhab: Party Interference in the Ministry of Communications to Protect Internet Pirates

Wiam Wahhab, the head of the "Arab Tawheed" party, pointed out on Tuesday, "There is party interference in the Ministry of Communications to protect an illegal internet hacker, and there is pressure on the minister. I don’t understand the interest in turning parties into partners with the mafia that steals state funds. Fear God, everyone." Wahhab wrote on his official account on the platform "X," saying, "This interfering party official has a suspicious relationship with the hacker, so I urge the minister to continue his steps and not be afraid of anyone, because this is about the people's money that a small gang is stealing, and we will contact all authorities." He added, "If the interference continues, we will name the interferers, and whoever falls from the sky will be caught by the ground." He concluded, "I assure you that the authority of the interferers rejects this blatant interference meant to legitimize theft and plunder what remains of state funds. Enough is enough."

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