The Kremlin stated on Monday that it has no information regarding the health of Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, following reports circulating on social media suggesting that the 46-year-old is not in good health. Kadyrov's spokespersons did not respond to repeated phone calls for comment on reports claiming that Kadyrov is being treated in a Moscow hospital. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters: "We have no information on this matter." In response to the rumors about his declining health, Kadyrov published a video on Telegram showing him on an outdoor tour. He wrote under the video: "I strongly advise anyone who cannot distinguish between truth and lies on the internet to walk outdoors, organize their thoughts in the rain, and refresh themselves wonderfully." Rumors occasionally circulate that Kadyrov suffers from a serious illness, which he and his aides have repeatedly denied. More than two months ago, Kadyrov appeared in a live video on Instagram alongside Russian State Duma deputy from Chechnya, Adam Delimkhanov, during which he denied rumors about his illness and the latter's disappearance.