
Title: Jordan: 21 People Caught Practicing Dentistry Without Certification

Title: Jordan: 21 People Caught Practicing Dentistry Without Certification

The head of the Jordanian Dental Association, Azem Al-Qudoumi, announced the apprehension of "21 individuals practicing dentistry without being qualified as doctors." Al-Qudoumi urged the need to activate laws related to shutting down facilities violating dental practice regulations, noting that "serious violations exist, including individuals practicing dentistry without being doctors." He stated that these individuals were monitored and apprehended by the association, but the association lacks the authority to close these establishments, as this power resides with the Ministry of Health. Al-Qudoumi remarked that the Ministry of Health has been addressed regarding these violations by dentists, and they hope for cooperation with the ministry to implement laws and close these violating establishments to protect citizens and patients.

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