
Title: Families of Beirut Port Explosion Victims Reject International Investigation

Title: Families of Beirut Port Explosion Victims Reject International Investigation

The "Gathering of Families of Martyrs, Wounded, and Victims of the Beirut Port Explosion" stated in a declaration that "the Lebanese Forces Party did not surprise us with its blatant interventions in the investigation into the Beirut Port explosion, which has been its practice since the early days of the tragedy, exploiting the pain of the victims' families to target and politically capitalize under the pretext of standing beside the grieving families. This was evident months before the first anniversary, as their interference in our movements became clear, leading to our participation in drafting our statements. This was a major reason for dividing our ranks as families of martyrs and victims."

The statement continued: "We have known from the beginning that the local investigation will not lead us to achieve justice. The bloc is traditionally focusing on a specific group, blaming it for obstructing the investigation and creating a rift among the families."

It added: "As the families of the Beirut Port martyrs, we reject the international investigation, as well as the fact-finding committee, which we consider as an escalation of the politicization of this humanitarian and national file. Despite everything that has happened and is happening, we remain committed to the local investigation and still believe in the presence of honest judges who can lead us to our right to truth, justice, and accountability."

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