
Sleeping Cells and the Fifth Column: Is Security in Danger?

Sleeping Cells and the Fifth Column: Is Security in Danger?

In light of the circumstances Lebanon is facing, beginning with the economic crisis and extending to the political ambiguity, whether regarding the stalled government file or the unclear presidential file, where a vacuum looms on the horizon, security concerns are rising, and those benefiting from further deterioration are stirring. However, security sources clarified, through the "Akhbar Al-Yawm" agency, that while these fears may be valid, the work at the Ministry of Interior is ongoing to prevent any deterioration. They revealed that Minister Bassam Mawlawi is following up on security communications daily, stating: his main concern is sleeping cells, the fifth column, and those fishing in troubled waters. They emphasized that there is continuous focus on preemptive operations to thwart any security disturbances before they occur.

In response to a question about the fear of potential popular, demanding, or social movements that could lead to violent incidents, the sources clarified that there is full readiness to accompany any movements to ensure they remain within their legitimate framework while respecting the right to expression, as the people are suffering due to rising costs. They stressed that security personnel are on high alert to control any suspicious movements, warning that, given the current deterioration, any incident could start without knowing how or when it will end, potentially leading to the unknown.

In this context, the sources were asked about the readiness of personnel to fulfill their duties, especially since they are suffering as the public does due to the economic crisis. They clarified that national duty takes precedence among all security forces, from the highest ranks to the lowest, asserting that the occurrence of personnel leaving service is at its lowest and does not exceed what happens at this level under normal conditions. They said: these individuals protect their families and their country before considering their financial situation. They hope that the security forces benefit from the assistance and increases allocated in the budget without any disruptions, noting that the Ministry of Interior and the security leadership are continuously striving to provide support and enhance the resilience of personnel.

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