Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced via Telegram that "a Russian missile strike hit a residential complex and a building of the Ukrainian Security Service in the city of Dnipro in central Ukraine." Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko reported that "five individuals were injured, and emergency services completed the search operation in every apartment in the area." Zelensky did not provide any further details in his post. It remains unclear how many missiles were used or how close the security building was to the residential building. Zelensky noted that he "held emergency meetings with the Ukrainian Security Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, emergency services, and local officials." People on social media indicated that "the distance between the two buildings is not large." Additionally, Ukrainian parliament member Oleksandr Bakumov stated that "a Russian missile struck a residential building in downtown Dnipro late on Friday." He wrote on Telegram, "Dnipro was subjected to a missile attack on a multi-story residential building," and pointed out that "emergency services were dispatched to the scene."