Italian Reserves Twinning with

The Italian Minister of Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, announced the upcoming launch of the "Project for the Development and Enhancement of Effectiveness of Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance, under the Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea." The initiative aims to develop and enhance project management, with twinning programs between Italian regions and those located in sub-Mediterranean areas, facilitating the exchange of knowledge, experience, and organizational skills. The participating Italian reserves in this second edition of the project are "Miramare," "Porto Cesareo," the "Sinis Peninsula," and the "Maldive di Ventrice" islands, which will be twinned, respectively, with "Palm Island" in Lebanon and the "Zembra and Zembretta" in Tunisia. The project is scheduled to launch on April 27. So far, there are 39 recognized areas belonging to 10 different countries: Albania, Algeria, Cyprus, France, Italy, Lebanon, Morocco, Slovenia, Spain, and Tunisia. The management of project activities and bilateral agreements under the Barcelona Convention is handled by the Directorate General for Natural Heritage and "Masi Sea."

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