Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman personally oversaw the pilgrims during his visit to Mina on Tuesday. A video circulating on social media sparked significant reactions, where bin Salman, in response to those thanking him for supervising the pilgrims, stated: "It is our duty to serve the Guests of God, and their service is the effort of everyone, and God willing, the reward is for all the people of the country."
The Crown Prince oversaw on behalf of King Salman bin Abdulaziz the comfort of the pilgrims in the Sacred House of God and the services and facilities provided to them to perform their rituals with ease, safety, and comfort. On Tuesday, Muslim pilgrims completed the major pillar of Hajj by standing at Mount Arafat, while the General Authority for Statistics in the Kingdom revealed that the total number of pilgrims exceeded 1,845,000.