
Title: Red Cross and Crescent: We May Halt Our Services in Sudan

Title: Red Cross and Crescent: We May Halt Our Services in Sudan

Amid the ongoing fighting between the Sudanese army and Rapid Support Forces, the President of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Jagan Chapagain, stated today, Friday, that a lack of response to the organization's appeals could force it to suspend many of its services in Sudan. Chapagain wrote on the platform "X": "Humanitarian needs in Sudan continue to grow day by day as the conflict persists." He added: "The response to our appeals has been extremely poor, and we may have to stop many services in the coming months." Earlier today, the Sudanese Doctors Syndicate stated in a statement that all health facilities in the city of Wad Madani in Al-Jazirah State have gone out of service.

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