Title: Plot to Attack Israelis in Cyprus

The office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reported today that the Israeli intelligence agency (Mossad) "assisted Cyprus in thwarting an attack ordered by Iran against Israelis and Jews on the island." It added that "such plots have increased since the outbreak of the Gaza War." The office's statement noted that Israel is "concerned" about what it considers the Iranian use of Northern Cyprus, controlled by Turkey, "for terrorism purposes and as an operations and transit area."

A Cypriot newspaper reported today that authorities arrested two Iranians in Cyprus for questioning regarding an alleged plot to carry out attacks on Israeli citizens residing in Cyprus. The newspaper "Kathimerini Cyprus," without citing sources, stated that the two were believed to be in the early stages of gathering intelligence on potential Israeli targets. The report added that the Iranians are political refugees and are in contact with someone linked to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. A senior Cypriot official declined to comment, referring to the policy regarding national security issues.

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