The makers of the film "Awlad Harim Karim" have decided to temporarily halt filming for three days, following the injury of the film's star, artist Mustafa Qamar, in his right eye during the shooting of a scene after inadvertently being hit by artist Khaled Sarhan. Qamar shared a photo on his official Instagram account showing his eye covered with a bandage, captioning it: "I'm fine, guys, it's just a minor thing and a funny accident, but we will stop filming 'Awlad Harim Karim' for 3 days until my eye heals. Keep me in your prayers." In his first comment on causing Mustafa Qamar's injury by accident during the filming of "Awlad Harim Karim," artist Khaled Sarhan said: "Guys, this was a real punch while filming a scene from 'Harim Karim 2', but it unfortunately got out of control. Don't worry, Mustafa is fine."