
Title: The Essence of the Lebanese Problem is Lack of Trust

Title: The Essence of the Lebanese Problem is Lack of Trust

Patriarch Bechara Al-Rahi pointed out in a speech at the dinner of Our Lady's parish in Melbourne, Australia, that "the essence of our problem in Lebanon is the lack of trust among officials with each other, and the people no longer trust Lebanon. They have lost trust because they are not sincere with each other, each one cares only for their own benefit, and they do not want to seek solutions to Lebanon's problems around the table; no one among them wants to lose." He noted that "when trust is lost, the danger is very great, as it is an essential element in life, yet it is missing in Lebanon, which is very unfortunate. The fundamental issue mentioned in the preamble of the constitution states that Lebanon is a final homeland for all its citizens, but unfortunately, not all its children are for Lebanon, and this is shameful." He added, "For us as a church, we have great faith in Lebanon and all Lebanese people, and we work diligently to preserve this jewel in the East. Despite all the difficulties, we cannot abandon the weapon of faith, and we work day and night to maintain our homeland that God has made special in its surroundings."

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