Member of the "Development and Liberation" bloc, MP Hani Qubaisi, expressed his astonishment during a memorial ceremony held by the "Amal" Movement in the Husseiniyah of the town of Kothariya al-Sayyad, attended by Major General Abbas Ibrahim, regarding "the positions of some Lebanese who give up all national dignity, sovereignty, borders, and coexistence and wait for foreign decisions to resolve the Lebanese crisis." He stated: "It is incomprehensible that in our country, some politicians comply with Western countries at the expense of their own country with directives, relations, and friendships, showing no concern that these countries support the Zionists, waiting for their promises, meetings, and decisions. These same people declare that Israel's security is a red line, while we see some Arab countries and certain politicians in Lebanon waiting for the policies and decisions of these countries and their commissions to save them."