
Title: The Spread of "Boufa" Drug in Morocco and Minister Under Scrutiny

Title: The Spread of

Moroccan social media is filled with painful clips of victims of a drug known as "Boufa," which is referred to as the cocaine of the poor among youth and adolescents. This situation poses a real threat to society and the lives of those affected, causing significant hardship for families due to its severe health, social, economic, and security repercussions. With the alarming increase of this phenomenon, parliament member Rashid Hamouni, leader of the Progress and Socialism group in the House of Representatives, directed a written question to Interior Minister Abdel-Wafi Laftit regarding efforts to combat the spread of Boufa. He stated: "This new drug, which is considered one of the most dangerous drugs, has begun to invade several neighborhoods in some of our cities, especially marginalized and impoverished areas, due to its low price and the speed of addiction. Despite the tremendous efforts made by security services to combat drug trafficking in all its forms, the spread of this new and highly dangerous type of drug poses an even greater threat to the present and future of everyone who falls into its addiction." Hamouni questioned Laftit about the measures he will take to limit the spread, distribution, and use of narcotics and psychoactive substances, especially Boufa.

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